#24: A Tale of Fallen Heroes (Pt. 3)

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We open on an empty room.

It appears to be uninhabited.

*camera pans right*

There's no one here!

*camera pans left*

There's nothi—Oh wait!

*zooms in*

*focuses on Katie hiding in the trash can*

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! Please don't kill me!! I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while!!! Don't kill me!!!!

*Katie pokes her head out of the trash can*

I'm in the trashcan because I belong here. I have not updated in 4-6 weeks—therefore, I am trash.

Anyway, I haven't updated in a while because I've been working on some other stuff.I've been working on my SAT prep and writing the background for "Chasms of Copper"!!! (Please check it out, I only have 1 part and it's just an explanation page! I need to know if you guys think it's worth my writing it!!)


You guys would not believe my month.

I lost my 40 chapter plans for Chasms of Copper PERMANENTLY. They got deleted, and weren't in iCloud.
I cried until 3am, ate ice cream, watched old Studio C episodes, and snuggled with my cat, Toby.

Anyway, the plans are all the way gone. So, I've had to rewrite them all.


Does anyone else think that English is weird?

Like, it's my first language and all, but it's weird!! XD

Adding an 'e' to a word makes such a difference.

Like, if you write the word 'heroin' you're talking about a drug, but when you write it like 'heroine' you're talking about a brave female warrior/protagonist.

Or if you write 'butt' you're talking about someone's hee-haw. But if you write it like 'butte' you're like "Ah, yes. I'm talking about an isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top."

Sorry, I came up with this in the shower, and had to share it with y'all. XD


I just wanted to say; I know NOTHING about Chinese formalities and customs. I'm just using my basic knowledge from "Mulan".

All I think I know is that the last names come before first names.

If this is wrong, please correct me!! I don't wanna offend anyone!


Also, the "akuma"'s name is Muteineer. (It's a pun; Mute-ineer)

It's pronounced like the normal word, 'Mutineer'.


WARNING: This is a fight scene chapter with a vicious villain.

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