#31: Janitor Love

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The picture isn't mine!! It's just kinda related to the oneshot and I really loved it, it's so funny! XD (Not to mention, I'm in love with Adrien's hair and his grin XD)


So, I saw this writing prompt that was 'Write your OTP how your parents met.'






I'm sure you guys are now wondering why the heck this is titled 'Janitor Love' when this is supposed to be how my parents met. XD

Let's just say that they met in a abnormal, weird way XD




Marinette Dupain-Cheng was not poor. But she wasn't rich, either.

Instead, she was a young woman who was just trying to survive college and earn a living.

And if you are a college student with student debt, you need money. The result is simple—you accept any and every job you can.

Marinette pushed the building door open with ease. It shut softly behind her.

She walked up to the pink-haired girl at the volunteer desk. She read her name tag.

"Hi, Alix, right? I'm part of the volunteer program. Is this the right place?"

The girl looked up from her phone and smiled at the bluenette.

"That's right! Can I get your name?"

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

Alix handed her a large blue worker vest and a name tag. She directed her to the room where the rest of the volunteers were waiting for their assignments.

The people there looked nice, enough. They were about half-way split; half of them were boys, and the other half were girls.

Marinette felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see her best friend, Alya.

"Hey, girl!" The curvy girl adjusted her glasses as she spoke.

"Hey! Thanks, again, for volunteering us. I could really use the money."

"Oh course, girl!" Alya wond an arm around Marinete's shoulders. "That's what I'm here for! So we can be broke, together!"

Marinette laughed.

"Alright, everyone!" The instructor said, standing at the front of the room. "Thank you all for volunteering to clean the dorm rooms! These rooms are the ones that were used over the summer, while the semester wasn't in action, and was used by visiting schools in the state. You will need to split up into teams and clean whatever you can until the time stops. If you are caught lounging around, you wil be asked to leave the site, as we do not tolerate slackers."

There was a murmur around the group as they took in her news.\

"Alright," The instructor said. "You will be divided into two groups; one of you will take the East buildings, and the others will take the West ones. Your name tags say what group you are in. Thank you." The instructor got down and walked off.

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