#43: Shatter Me

247 17 44

Y'all I gotta tell you something.

I've been keeping secrets.

I'm pregnant.

I'M JUST KIDDING I'M NOT (well, maybe with Taco Bell, but that's besides the point)

Oh for the love of Voldemort's frijoles I hope you guys didn't actually believe me XD

No, but I have been keeping a secret from you all. Do you wanna know what it is?





I made an animatic!!!!

It is over 1,275 frames!! It would just be so hard to actually write this oneshot and it wouldn't make sense, so I animated it! So, technically because they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I wrote you a 1,257,000 word oneshot!!!!!

Here's the background information:

Chloe found out that Adrien and Marinette were together and is distraught. She consoles herself by listening to the music box that Adrien gave to her when they were kids. 

 She turns into Shatter—an akuma who can go through realities by opening portals or cracks into these dimensions. She obtains this power by calling out "Shatter me!" 

The glowing white circles in between scenes or cracks is the 'passageway' in between realities. She's searching for a reality where she and Adrien can be together. While destroying the realities that she is unsatisfied with, she relives a memory; the first time she ever met Adrien.

Every time Shatter breaks into a dimension a crack appears on her body. 

The Alternate Universe ships that she visibly tears apart are Adrigami (AdrienxKagami), Liladrien (AdrienxLila), Adrix (AdrienxAlix), and Myladrien (AdrienxMylene) 

There's a sequence where Ladybug is walking through the portal and the alternate ladybugs appear--encouraging her to go on.

Ladybug ends up following Shatter into another dimension and to the Heart of all Reality. They battle. Ladybug wins and ultimately saves everything.

(this was lowkey inspired by Voltron XD)


Please like the video and share it with your friends!!!





Did I surprise you? Did I blow your minds?! XD

I TOLD you guys that this was a kind of storytelling that I have never done before!!




Have a nice day!!

Have a nice day!!

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