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T/W Intense themes of Suicide and self-harm and intense hallucinations. This is a warning.

Kokichi's POV
Today was a good day. I haven't had fun like that since I was younger... When I was younger...

"Hey, mom I need to tell you something!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He was standing behind me with the same smile he always wears taunting me. He won't leave me alone. I felt a shiver go up to my spine as I tried to suppress the feeling of fear I felt growing in my chest. He started to walk towards me making my heart stop. I looked at my mom silently pleading that she could make this stop.

"Sorry, I'm busy maybe some other time." She said as she continued to scroll through her phone. I can't believe that I thought she would help me. I'm so useless that I had to ask someone who doesn't give a shit about me for help...

"Ok," I said before I walked out of the room and went to my room slowly closing the door. I slid down the door and let the tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

Hello Kokichi~

He's already here... he leaned over my shoulder and whispered into my ear placing his hands on my sides.

You know you look beautiful Kokichi~

I would love to see your beautiful self get all cut up~


I was shaking all I could do is cry. I had to keep myself quiet to not bother others with my worthless problems I couldn't deal with on my own... I silently sobbed into my arms shaking in the corner of my room slumped against the wall. I was so exhausted. I was so done.

I'm done with doing the same shit every day.

This is where it ends.

I walked into the bathroom and started the bath. The water started to fill the tub I just stared at it with a blank expression. This is it. This is where my pitiful existence ends. I hope this makes you happy.

I pulled out my razor out of my pocket and did a number on my arm and grabbed my notebook off my desk and walked back over to the tub.


He touched me again the hallucinations are getting worse. Why is this happening?
Didn't get much sleep last night I cried and shook all night too scared to close my eyes because of nightmares.
59 cuts on both arms.
27 cuts on both thighs.
They are deep.
I'm doing this to make others happy because they won't have to deal with me anymore.

It stung as I got in the water in my tank top and shorts. It burned as my body slipped into the hot water. I closed my eyes and let my breathing slow as the water around me turned blood red.

This is it. I always hoped it wouldn't come to this but I just can't do this anymore. This whole thing is breaking me... I'm so done with all his torment. All the pain. All the loneliness. I guess I did never find the person I was looking for. Maybe it's better that way. I would only be a burden on them...

I felt my body slump I felt so weak as the water was around me making my body feel so light. The pain from my open wounds faded away as it all stopped.

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