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"Hey Kichi...you need to get up for dinner..." I heard the faint voice trying to pull me out of the darkness that surrounded all my senses making me feel numb...but not like the numb I came wall known with...more of a calming kind of numbness. Like the only things you can feel is the emptiness of not having the crushing weight of all the days worries on your shoulders.

I slowly moved my head into what I assumed to be his chest and let my eyes begin to flutter open. I smiled to myself as my eyes slowly opened. The first thing I saw was the calming white of Shuichi's undershirt. The calm color was complimented with the slight softness to the fabric. Soft hands made their way to my cheeks as I looked at him. He had a smile placed on his lips while his eyes were endearing and calm. I wanted to just stay right here so I could be close to Shuichi while being able to see him make that face. It was magical to say the least, it's like an experience all in it's own. Seeing Shuichi around others is one thing, making him blush is another, but seeing him make these kind and endearing faces when we are alone is something one of a kind. So unique it makes me feel so special just because I get to see it in these occasions...more than anyone else, the only one to see this side of Shuichi.

"Kokichi? Are you doing alright?" He asked, putting a hand to my forehead. I looked up at him confused by his sudden worry...I was also a little annoyed that his concern for me ruined the moment. But it wasn't too bad because I get to feel the softness of him, Shuichi. His skin against mine, gently grazing my forehead behind my hair as he slowly sweeps it out of the way.

"Yes~ I'm doing wonderful my beloved~" I said with a smile. His eyes softened a bit and he moved closer to me, pressing his lips against my forehead as he moved his arms around me.

"Oh, I was just worried because you were staring at me for a while..." He trailed off. I could tell he wanted to say something more...but he wasn't able to, I'm sure it's out of embarrassment...god, sometimes I wish I was able to read his mind and hear his thoughts. A lot of his ideas go unheard because of his fear of being judged or misunderstood. I mean I do the same thing to I have no room to speak...I guess what I want to tell him is, that he should have more confidence in his words and in himself in general.

"Well~ You know I love looking at you my beloved~!" I said moving closer to his face to the point where our noses barely touched. As if skimming the water of a lake, just this one touch made Shuichi's cheeks slowly become pink before they quickly became red.

"Y-yeah...I know that..." He whispered under his breath. I was going to make a joke before a knock on the door interrupted my thought.

"Hey, Shuichi? Are you coming?" I was surprised it wasn't Kaito at the door, it actually sounded like Himiko.

"Yeah, sorry I'm coming with Kokichi!" He said, raising his voice a bit so he would be able to reach Himiko on the other side of the door.

"Alright! But hurry up Tenko is getting impatient!" She yelled back, making me laugh a little. I have noticed that by this Himiko had been getting more energized and she just seems more happy with being able to be her 'new self'. Can't say I don't feel the same though. Shuichi has definitely changed me for the better.

"Ok!" He said before he slowly kissed my cheek before he moved to sit up. I clung against his chest as he moved up and slowly stood up with him. I almost fell because my body is still feeling the effects of being overall exhausted.

"Are you sure you are ok?" He asked again holding my back to steady me. I took a few moments to get steady with my legs while I fully stood up.

"Yeah~!" I teased before I tried to walk on my own before my feet betrayed me--and I collapsed onto the floor. Well shit.

"Shit..." I groaned against my clenched teeth as I went to rub my head. I felt a small bruise that must have been a red mark of my forehead from falling. I groaned again knowing that Shuichi was going to be worried about this...I swear on my life my body does this to spite me. 'Haha you want to walk?' and I take a step before--'Psych!' Then I fall.

"A-are you ok? Do we need to go to the nurse's office again?" He asked, gently helping me up before holding me against his chest.

"Yeah I'm alright..." I sighed moving so I was holding onto his back while his arm moved around my own to do the same.

"Alrigh-" He was about to respond before Himiko and Tenko shouted behind the door.

"What the hell?!" Tenko yelled while Himiko just yelled, "What happened?!" I smirked to myself absolutely hating how many people were getting involved and worried about my tiny trip.

"I'm alright I just tripped~!" I teased as Shuichi got the door as we slowly walked out. I gave him a side glance after I said this and he was frowning a bit. Granted, I did just trip and probably ignored the pain so I wouldn't have to be in the spotlight for this reason...I smiled to the others as they seemed to calm down a bit.

"Ah, Alright, seems like a reasonable response," Tenko said with a frown. Himiko rolled her eyes gently before we all made out way over to the dining hall.

The walk was a little shorter than it usually felt, but it also felt longer because of the pain radiating throughout my lower back and head. My back has always been a little twisted ever since I was a child...I just can't remember it hurting this much when I walk. Maybe I fell asleep weird again...I'm not sure. But I'm glad that Shuichi is helping me walk, because I may not want to admit it...but it would hurt a lot more if I didn't have some help.

-I got a 53/60 on my math test! I was so surprised with this score I checked over my grades at least 10 times before I decided that that was the score I got...anyway--Thank you all so much for this update!-


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