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T/W There are intense themes of depression, hallucinations, torture, and self-harm. This is a warning.

30 minutes until the night time announcement...we were all standing out in the courtyard waiting...waiting for this night to take place...a new motive...I sighed. Why does this have to happen tonight?

Shuichi's hand was shaking in mine. I felt guilty because of how nervous he was...I wanted to end this killing game more than anything, but I still have no idea how...at least now I have help from Maki and Kaito along with my beloved. We can do this! I think...if anything happens I will take the fall, for Shuichi.

"Kokichi, I'm scared," Shuichi whispered plopping his head onto my shoulder. He always looks tired, but today, he just seems even more exhausted. It must be because of the new motive. Goddamn it! Monokuma, just give us a break from this hell!

"I'm nervous too, but we can do this together. It's going to be alright," I put my hand into his hair to run my fingers through it. Maki was giving me a concerned glance. I gave her a small smile to try and reassure her. She frowned slightly before turning her gaze back to the dormitory.

I knew Shuichi was holding back tears, if anything, I was trying my best not to cry. This whole situation, all the stress, all the lies...I hate all of it. "It's ok Shu, I'm here...right next to you, I love you," Moving my hands to rub his back I could tell his shaking lessened. Smiling to myself I felt myself relax momentarily.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"The night time announcement...are you guys ready for this?" Maki spoke in a calm demeanor although I could tell that she didn't want to have to do this either... "Yeah of course Maki-Roll!" He smiled at us before we went closer to the dormitory.

We decided earlier we were going to do shifts. Maki and Kaito were group one while me and Shuichi were group two. "Alright, you and Shuichi can go and rest first." Maki put her hands down at her sides not even looking at us when she spoke. "But Maki, you and Kaito were the first group to get-" "You guys go and get some sleep. Me and Kaito can take care of things out here."

I didn't dare to talk back to her knowing that even if I did she wouldn't change her mind. She alongside the rest of our little group is super stubborn. "Kokichi, we get to go first?" Shuichi asked slurring his words a bit. I could tell he needed some rest...that must have been why Maki let us go first. That was very sweet of her to do, maybe she isn't as coldhearted as I thought she was.

"Yeah, Shu, let's get you to bed," I wrapped my arm around his side walking him to his dorm seeing as his dorm room was closer to us than mine was...and he might fall asleep at any moment, so it's better to just get him to bed as quickly as possible. "But, what about you..." He closed his eyes, his eyelids getting heavy making it harder for him to keep his eyes open.

"I'll sleep with you, ok," I said opening his door after grabbing his key out of his pocket. He didn't say anything else and put more of his weight on me. We made it over to the bed and I moved the covers before placing him onto the bed. I didn't bother telling him to change seeing how tired he already was...

I changed quickly before walking back over to the bed. Shuichi was already asleep. I sighed to myself taking his jacket off of him and slipping his shoes off, putting them by the closet. I made my way back over to the bed. "Ko..." Shuichi whispered moving his hand around the mattress. "Shuichi, you are just so cute," I moved to where his arm was and moved his arm around my waist cuddling into his chest.

I knew we only had about maybe 5 hours before we had to do our shift. The hours were split up in increments of 5. Group two was going to take 10 pm to 3 am while group one was going to take 3 am to 8 am. I looked up at Shuichi feeling a nervous feeling go through my body. Having his arms around me helped me be able to calm down...quicker than it would have taken without him here beside me.

I closed my eyes knowing that I should try to get all the sleep I can get. My thoughts calmed down to an extent and I felt myself fall asleep.

. . .

I was walking down the hallway with Shuichi and he was smiling. I felt happy seeing him happy. I put my small hand into his and playfully swung our hands back and forth. Shuichi giggled and made me blush at the adorable noise.

"Hey, Kokichi, how are you doing today?" He asked looking down at me. I felt my face grow warmer under his gaze. I didn't try to suppress my blush knowing that it was just me and Shuichi. "My day is going great! Because I have my beloved right here beside me!" I wrapped my arms around his torso feeling safe. I never want this to end.


"What..." I was cut off by Shuichi falling to the ground in front of me. "Shuichi! Are you ok?!" I yelled feeling my eyes fill up with tears. What happened?! Just a minute ago we were just walking...wait...last I remember I was sleeping next to Shuichi...

"Kokichi you need to change your dream!" I yelled to the ceiling hoping that maybe I could contact myself to make this dream stop...but with no luck. "Kokichi! You can't save everyone!!" I saw myself standing in front of me with a box cutter in his hand...Fuck...

"I can! I believe that me and the others can find out who is behind this stupid fucking killing game!" I yelled while slowly walking back. Distancing myself from him. "Kokichi~ You know you are worthless! You can't do anything right! They could all do it if you weren't 'helping' them!!" I felt tears form into my eyes as the blade went into my wrist.

"GHK!" I groaned. The pain felt so real, I knew it was fake, but it hurts like it's really happening. 'calm down Kokichi...calm down' I thought trying to calm myself hoping this would wake me up. Why wasn't I waking up? Is this real?!

"You worthless wad of flesh!" He twisted the blade in my arm making me wince. Tears blurring my vision and burning in my eyes. "STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!" I screamed feeling him only push harder. "PLEASE!! PLEASE!! PLEASE!! STOP!! IT HURTS!" I yelled feeling my throat get hoarse. It felt like knives were cutting into my throat with every scream...every plea for this to stop.

"I just love the expression you are making! All the hopelessness in your eyes! The pain in your glare!! I want to kill you!!" He screamed twisting it farther into my wrist. I closed my eyes sobbing because of how much pain I was in.

Please make it stop


"KOKICHI!" I heard Shuichi scream making me finally wake up. My eyes filled with tears again. "Shuichi!" I yelled not caring how loud I was being. Just happy, that Shuichi was there beside me, that myself, that monster wasn't here anymore.

Shuichi pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "You were shaking and screaming in your sleep! I got so worried and I didn't know what to do! Are you alright?!" Shuichi's eyes were red and puffy. I felt bad for making him cry before I just hugged him again. "I'm alright now Shuichi...thank you for waking me up," I said feeling my tears lessen.

"I was so scared Kokichi, I want you to be safe more than anything! Sorry I didn't help you sooner..." He was chiding himself...I moved to hold his face in my hands. "You helped me so much...thank you for waking me up." He just cried onto my shoulder.

I feel safe. I felt myself relax. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked making my breath hitch... "I should...uh..." I tried to speak but couldn't get the words out. "It's alright Kokichi take your time...I know that this is scary for you and you don't like having to get help from others...but know I am here for you and I'm ready to listen,"

-This is pretty intense...I'm sorry, but this has been a weird week for me...anyway. Thanks for reading!-


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