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"I can tell you are nervous about this Shu...but don't worry I'm going to right by your side the whole time! So don't worry!" I exclaimed linking my arm in his. He smiled down at me. "Thanks for saying that..." He whispered holding my hand in his own. 

"Well, let's go then, shall we!" I pulled him over to my room. From what Maki said earlier and because of the announcement earlier the videos must be in our rooms. I pushed open the door and confirmed my suspicions. 

There was a small pad sitting on the desk in the middle of my room. Shuichi didn't say anything as we both slowly walked over to the pad. I grabbed it and tapped the screen.

'Nooow then, back by popular demand, it's time to show another "motive video." Who, oh who, could be your "most important loved ones," I wooonder? Let's begin, let's begiiin.

The "Super High School Level Supreme Leader," Ouma Kokichi-kun... As the Supreme Leader of a secret organization called "DICE," he and his organization went wild throughout the world. In accordance with their two main mottos, "do not kill people," and "commit amusing crimes," this fun-loving band of jokers kept committing their prank-like crimes, and were known as "DICE"... These ten excellent followers worked together with Ouma-kun to form a group of eleven people. To Ouma-kun, these people were friends bordering on family... They were his everything, the absolute most important people in his life, but...

How could this be?! It certainly seems as if they met with an unbearable outcome of some sort, but... Upupu. What happened to them is a secret. Please feel free to try and check what it was with your own two eyes, okay?'

"Kokichi..." Shuichi said but I couldn't hear him at all. Everything went silent...my hands shook as the pad fell from my hands. How could he hurt them? Why would he? They were my family...I knew it...I really couldn't save them. I guess I really am just worthless leader after all...what leader leaves their followers to die...it should have been me. It should have been me!

"Kokichi!" Shuichi yelled shaking my shoulder and bringing me back to reality. I shoot my head a couple of times for good measure. "Shuichi?" I asked placing my hands on his shoulders. "It's not your fault! Monokuma just did this for a motive! He did this to try and make you try to kill someone!" He started to cry. Did I make him cry? Shit shit shit! 

"Shuichi, don't cry! I'm going to be ok, we are going to figure out how to end this game after all! Together!" I said planting kisses all over his face to calm him down. His breathing slowed and the tears soon enough came to a stop. 

"It's ok. breathe Shu," I caressed his cheek with my hand. He nuzzled into it with a smile. "Thanks, Kichi," He said holding my cheeks in his hands before lowering his face to meet mine. We kissed for a moment before I remembered that we should probably go to the dining hall to tell Maki and Kaito what we found. 

"We still have to go and check mine..." Shuichi said his eyes going down to his feet. I don't like how scared he is because of this...and knowing I caused him to wake up last night because of my nightmares...I still feel like this is partially my fault...

"It's going to be fine, it is just one of monokuma's dumb motives anyway." I sighed walking with him to his room. After getting there Shuichi froze. He is probably worried about what he is going to see...I wonder what his motive video would be anyway...I shouldn't think like that. this is making him really anxious and worried...

I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb and grabbed the pad with my hands letting it play. Kaito's motive video started to play...what the hell? Why did I get mine and Shuichi got Kaito's?

"Kaito's?" Shuichi said first making me jump at the sound. I relaxed after a moment before turning to Shuichi. "Don't you think that's weird that you got your own and I didn't?" Shuichi asked brushing my bangs out of my face. I shrugged before placing my hand on his shoulder. "Shouldn't we go and tell the others what we found Mister Detective~," I teased trying to lighten the mood. Shuichi blushed and giggled at my comment. I'm glad that I could make you feel better Shumai.

.   .   .

We got to the dining hall and took our places next to each other over by Kaito and Maki. Everyone had already started talking about the motive videos...and it seemed like a lot of people got somebody else...

Shuichi started to shake...I could tell he was worried not just about me...but about Kaito. I felt a little jealous but he did just see his motive video...so I'll let it slide... "Kaito! I need to tell you-" Shuichi started only to be cut off by Maki.

"You shouldn't tell anyone who's motive you got because that could cause them to want to take it from you or worse to kill someone..." Maki said darkly making Tsumugi flinch. "Well, I guess that would be the best option..." She sighed.

"Yeah..." Shuichi sounded defeated. I rested my head on his arm seeing as I was short and he was tall...I could heat him chuckle beside me before he rested his head on top of mine. I huffed in annoyance. "Alright! Nobody tell anybody who's motive video you got!" Kaito yelled to the students scattered across the dining hall. 

"That does sound like the best way to go about this," Kirumi said politely bringing me and Shuichi our meals before leaving back into the kitchen with some dirty plates. I felt a little nervous about eating again before Shuichi snaked his hand around my waist. "It's ok for you to eat, I want you to be healthy Kichi, so please eat as much as you feel comfortable eating," Shuichi whispered into my ear. 

I smiled to myself. Shuichi cares about me...I love you so fucking much you stupidly cute detective. I blushed at the thought before taking some small bites. For Shuichi...

-Back to my normal updating schedule! Thanks for being patient with me! Thank you so much for reading!-


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