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"That was delicious, my beloved~!" I complimented as Shuichi brought our dishes into the kitchen. He washed them while I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I'm glad you liked it," He said with a smile. I could tell something was bothering him...I wanted to ask him but I decided to wait until we were in a place that was more secluded than this.

"Yup~!" I smiled again nuzzling my head into his back. He is so warm it makes me want to fall asleep right here. He makes me feel so relaxed that it's hard for me to not want to just always be around him, and always have him holding me in his arms.

After he finished the dishes and put them away he turned around and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. I smiled and moved into his chest just letting myself be in the moment. Letting his warmth calm the worry and fear in the back of my mind. Calming me and making me feel at peace for this small moment.

"Y-you want to go to my room to talk?" He asked in a concerned tone. I was wondering why he sounded so unsettled. I looked up from his chest and let my eyes look over to the entrance to the kitchen and Tsumugi was standing there watching us.

"Yeah...what are you doing there Tsumugi?" I asked gently, moving away from him while still keeping my hand on his hip. She looked a little startled for a moment before she spoke.

"A-ah, sorry, I was just waiting for the both of you to finish so I could wash my dishes!" She said with a smile. I didn't feel good about the smile she gave me. It was vile...like she knew something I didn't and that something must be bad...something bad that's going to happen to me, or even worse, to Shuichi.

"Oh, ok then." I said, sounding unconvinced. She walked passed both of us over to the sink. The only thing that struck me was that she didn't have any dishes in her hand...and there weren't any in the sink...so why did she lie?

We both made our way out of the kitchen and out of the dining hall. It was bothering me about the way she acted back there...what the hell was that? She is usually so set on her being so plain and boring...which would make the perfect villain! And in our case--the mastermind. Does that mean she is the mastermind? Sure she was acting suspicious...but I mean I would need more evidence than she was just 'acting weird' to convince the others...is there anything that would connect her to being the mastermind? Anything that could make my suspicion solid while having evidence to back it up. I need to bring this up in the meeting.

"Kokichi are you ok?" Shuichi asked, making me realize I hadn't moved at all since I went off on that tangent. I looked up at him and felt my head spin a bit as I came back into the present. I shook my head a few times for good measure before responding.

"Yeah, sorry! I was totally in my head just now!" I said with my teasing tone. I could tell he wanted to ask more about what I was thinking about but he didn't say anything about it.

"Oh," He said, making me feel a bit nervous. How am I going to bring that up in the meeting, or even to Shuichi while we talk one on one?

"Let's go to your room," I stated, taking his hand before I started walking. I needed to get him into a secure area before making any serious accusations...and I'm sure that he wants to be in a more secluded place to talk about things with me anyway.

"Okay." He said gently planting a kiss on my hand. I was a little startled by the action but was soon blushing slightly. He is the only person I can think of that is able to make me this flustered over small things like this. It makes me feel so warm inside, like someone loves me enough to make these small actions to make me know that they care. That they really love me.

We got to his room after walking outside and to the dormitory. He opened the door and let me inside his room. "What a gentleman!" I commented, making him blush a bit.

"Ah, thank you," He said walking into the room behind me. He closed the door after he entered and moved over to his bed. I looked over at him as he patted the bed on the spot next to him. I smiled, taking this as a silent request.

"So, what's been bothering you?" He asked, getting straight to the point. I wasn't wanting to dive right into what has been on my mind...but I need to get some things off my chest...because it's good to talk to someone about these hard feelings. Even if it's awkward at first...you may find that they want to listen to you even if they don't completely understand what you are feeling. I know that talking through things with Shuichi keeps me grounded and he helps me to be able to rationalize my thinking when all of my worry is making everything seem so terrible when it may not be as bad.

"Well," I started feeling my voice trail off as my mind went blank. How am I supposed to tell him about all of the things on my mind? In a way he will be able to understand...I don't even know where to start.

-Today was no good for me...one of my friends was not in the best place and has been making jokes about things that I would consider a trigger...but I know that if I tell them to stop they are going to turn it into them being a terrible person and other shit...honestly I'm just done having to take all of the shit people give me and just have to take that people only see me as a puppet they can dress up and play with before they toss me out...as well as not having anyone I know irl who actually listens to me or even wants to listen to me...but I mean it's always been this way so I'm not sure what I was expecting. Sorry for the rant.. Anyway--Thank you all so much for reading!!-


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