Painful Memories

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Clover's POV


Many years ago, when I was a fresh, young huntsman, I fell in love. This man was another huntsman, a few years older than me. I thought that he was the most amazing person ever, but looking back, I know that I was wrong. 

His name as Stephan, and we had dated for four years. I had followed him around, watching him train and work, copying his fighting style for the longest time. Not long after we had started dating, I had moved in with him. That was where the relationship began to turn sour.

Almost every day, he would yell at me, call me dumb or weak, tell me that I was nothing. He would verbally abuse me, tearing me down and making me feel useless. I believed everything he told me, and became extremely depressed and even suicidal. I wanted to die, he told me I should die. There were a few times he would even smack me when he was angry, or drunk. 

I should have left, I could have walked out that door at any moment. But I didn't. I thought I could help him, that we were truly meant to be together. It didn't help that he made a habit of telling me I was useless and nothing without him. He would tell me that without his guidance, I would never be a great huntsman.  

Finally, my friends, who Stephan had pulled me away from, reached out and convinced me to leave. But by then the damage was already done. I was broken. It took almost twice the amount of time to rebuild my self confidence as it took to shatter it.

I never realized that traumatic situations, like my relationship with Stephan, would leave lasting marks. I had trained myself to not be afraid of being hit, or else I would be a terrible huntsman. But I could never get over the fear and pain that came with being yelled at. Luckily, no one ever had a reason to yell at me.

Now, I am a much better, happier person. I work as the leader of the Ace Ops, I have great coworkers and friends, and I have an amazing boyfriend.

Qrow, my boyfriend, struggles with his own self confidence. All his life, he has been used, and hurt by the people he loved and trusted. It hurt me to watch him relive that pain some days, but I never told him about my own pain. I refused to burden him with my past problems. Besides, those problems didn't affect me today, or that's what I thought.


Today, Qrow was in a bad mood. When I talked to his nieces, they told me that this was normal and he was probably depressed. They said that they gave him space, but kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't do anything dumb. They said that you usually drinks himself numb when he feels this way, but since he hasn't drunken anything in a while, this would be a completely new experience for him. I decided that I would keep a close eye on my boyfriend as well. 

For most of the day, I gave him space. But in the evening, I realized that he hadn't eaten anything all day, so I went to offer him dinner. 

"You need to eat something sweetie. Please."

"Clover, I'm not in the mood. Just leave me alone," he said, burying his face in the pillow. I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his back, trying to be supportive.

"Come on Qrow."

"CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONCE AND STOP BEING SO CLINGY?" Qrow shouted. This was the first time I had ever heard him raise his voice. the shock made me step back a few steps. Painful memories flooded my mind, reminding me of a time where I was yelled at regularly. Where Stephan would tell me that I was clingy and that I needed him. 

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