Lucky Friday the 13th

350 8 13

Clover's POV

"Clover, would you come here for a minute?" Yang motioned for me to join her and her younger sister, Ruby, in a empty room.

I walked in and Ruby closed the door.

"What's up kiddos?" I asked.

"Next week, is Uncle Qrow's birthday!" Ruby said, basically jumping up and down.

"Really? He never told me." 

"He doesn't like to have his birthday celebrated." Yang said. "But this year, since he's been doing a lot better, mental health-wise, we were thinking of throwing a surprise birthday party. And we want you to help."

"Me? Why?"

Yang rolled her eyes. "I don't know, maybe because you're his boyfriend." 

"Oh, yeah." Ruby let out a little laugh.

"So, how do you want me to help?"

"What do you, Qrow's boyfriend, think we should do for his birthday?"

I thought for a moment. I knew Qrow didn't like big events. So a huge party was out of the question. 

"What about a small thing? Maybe a few close friends, just the family and stuff. A dinner party, Qrow loves food." I thought out loud.

"I like that idea!" Ruby said. 

"Okay! So, when exactly is his birthday again?"

"Friday." Yang answered.

Friday was the 13th. Knowing Qrow, he wouldn't appreciate that. He very much believed in bad luck, thanks to his semblance, and Friday the 13th is considered incredibility unlucky.

"Should we have his birthday party the day after?" I asked.

"No silly." Ruby said. "We should have the party on his birthday. That way it's more special." 

"Umm, okay." 

We spent the next half hour talking party planning. Then, it was my job to choose who would be at the party, and to keep Qrow from figuring out what we were up to. 


"Why does it feel like the girls are avoiding me?" Qrow asked me. I tried to play it cool.

"Qrow, honey, relax. They can't be avoiding you. Look at how busy work has been. They are new huntresses and want to spend as much time in the field as possible. Weren't you like that when you first got your license? I know I was." 

"I guess. It just feels strange." 

I felt terrible for lying to my boyfriend, but I told myself that it wasn't a lie, I was just saying stuff to cover us the truth, his birthday surprise. My intentions were good, so was it really a lie?


Friday, the 13th, came and we were all rushing to finish our missions. Qrow seemed to be dragging his feet, so I kept pushing him.

"Why are you in such a rush to finish? You've never acted like this before." He said.

"I am just really tired and want to go home to rest." I lied. I had told so many lies to him this week in order to keep the birthday party a secret, it was almost second nature. I hated it and vowed never to lie to Qrow again after this was done.

We finally finished the mission and got home just in time to get ready. Qrow went and showered while I changed clothes and checked in on the girls. They had everything ready and we were just waiting for Qrow.

I headed back to Qrow's room to check on him. He was sitting at his desk, working on a work report when I came in. 

"Hey, I thought you were tired. I assumed you left to take a nap." He said. I walked over and kissed the top of his head.

"I like spending time with you. Come on, let's go train or something."

"If you're tired, you shouldn't train."

"Stop worrying about me and have some fun!" I said, tugging on his arm to get him out of his chair.

"It's my job as your boyfriend to worry about you. But if you really want to train, who am I to stop you?" I stood up and I led him to the training center, where the girls had set up the party.

We walked in and everybody yelled "Surprise!" Qrow was definitely surprised. He stood there for a moment, his mouth hanging open slightly. 

"What is this?" He asked.

"We wanted to celebrate your birthday Uncle Qrow. We never do it and this year, we wanted you to be happy for once." Yang said. Ruby wrapped her uncle in a hug and Yang joined in. Soon, everyone was gathered in a group hug, with Qrow in the middle.

"All those things you've been saying this past week, were they all lies to keep me from figuring out about this?" Qrow asked me once the group hug had broken up.

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about lying to you. I couldn't disappoint the girls."

"I'm not mad. I'm actually kind of proud of you."


"Because you're learning to lie, meaning you can finally help me pull some epic pranks." Qrow grinned mischievously. I sighed and he laughed. 

"Uncle Clover was worried about the date. Since it's Friday the 13th, and you have a lot of worries about unlucky things." Ruby said.

"Hey, he didn't have to know that!" Ruby giggled.

"Actually, I've been thinking." Qrow laced his fingers in mine. "Maybe the number 13 isn't as unlucky as I thought it would be. It does help that I have a good luck charm though." He kissed my cheek.

We enjoyed his birthday party, eating lots of cake and playing a few board games. Not a single unlucky thing happened the entire time. I guess I was worrying about nothing. Qrow says it was the best birthday he ever had, and I was glad I could be a part of it. Even if I did have to lie to make it happen.


A/N: Thanks to AlphaWolf0215 for the prompt! I hope you are satisfied with it!

If you have a prompt for a one shot you would like me to write, leave it in the comics, or better yet, DM it to me! I will write it as soon as possible!

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