Sisterly Love part 2

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A/N: second half of Sisterly Love


Elm's POV

"Where's Clover? He should be back by now," I asked the rest of the Ace Ops.

Marrow shrugged his shoulders. Vine looked towards the West, where Clover had headed off to. 

"We should go get him. Probably fell asleep under some tree," Harriet said. "First one to find him is a champ!" I smiled, ready for the challenge. But then Harriet activated her semblance and took off, I just sighed and walked a normal pace like the rest of the Ace Ops.

We had only spent five minutes walking when Harriet ran back.

"Find him?" Vine asked. Harriet looked worried and showed us something in her hand. We gathered around and looked at it. Harriet was holding Clover's scroll, which had been snapped in half.


Qrow's POV

Yesterday morning, Clover had headed out for a mission. I had no idea what he was doing, but I knew he should have come home last night. Looking back, none of the Ace Ops had seemed to return. I worried about him every time he left, but I knew I shouldn't. My boyfriend can take care of himself.

I was feeling a lot better, no longer sick. While Clover was gone, I had planned this huge date that I knew he would enjoy. I was preparing dinner when I heard a knock at the door.

I opened it and Winter stood there. "Qrow, we need to talk." 

"What's up, Ice Queen?"

Winter scowled at the nickname, but didn't insult me back. I knew something was up, she usually never missed a chance to insult me. She walked into the living room and motioned for me to sit on the couch. I sat down and she sat down above me.

"What's wrong? Just tell me," I said. Winter's face darkened. 

"Clover's" she paused, thinking about how to phrase it. "missing. The Ace Ops split up on their mission and Clover never came back. When they went to find him, this was all they found." She pulled out a little plastic bag. In it was a scroll, which had been ripped in half. I took it from her and held it in my hands.

"What was the mission?" I asked. 

"That's classified."

"Winter, WHAT WAS THE MISSION?" Winter sighed.

"They were searching for Tyrian Callows."


Winter couldn't look me in the eyes. "Anima." 

Anima, where I grew up. Forests full of grimm and bandits. Then it hit me, bandits. I knew a certain bandit tribe that really hated Ironwood and everything he stood for.

"What part of Anima?" I asked.

"He was searching in the west."

Raven's tribe, the Branwen tribe, often moved locations. But at this time of year, they would usually be in the west. 

"Raven's got him, I just know it." 

"What are you talking about?" Winter sat down across from me.

"My sister, the bandit, Raven has him. I can find him and bring him back."

"Qrow, do you even hear yourself? You're in shock, I know, but that's insane."

"I know my sister better than anyone else on the planet. If anyone can bring him back, it's me. Let me, please." Winter looked at me for a moment, sadness and pain in her eyes.

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