What are bfs for?

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A/N: This is the short I wrote for Day 5 of Fair Game week. The prompt is hurt/comfort.


Clover's POV

I woke up later than usual this morning. Qrow was already out of bed, making breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and went to give Qrow a good morning hug and kiss. 

He shrugged himself away from me when I went to wrap my arms around his waist. "Not right now Clover. Sorry, I just don't really feel great right now." 

I thought about what his nieces told me about his depression and how there were some days were he just needed space. I could respect that and give him the space he needed until he was ready and felt better.

"We have a mission today," Qrow said as he plated the breakfast. "We're supposed to patrol the Amity Arena site and keep grimm at bay. Apparently they've been having a problem with beowolves this past week." 

"Both of us going?" I asked, taking a bite out of the sizzling bacon Qrow had made. 

"Yeah, both of us." 


Qrow was extremely distant during the car ride there. I understood why, but I felt awkward just sitting there. I tried to start conversations about literally anything, but Qrow would give short responses and then stop talking. After a little while, I gave up and sat in silence.


"There's more grimm than I expected!" I shouted through the wind and snow. Qrow and I had been out almost all day, fighting. I was tired beyond belief, but Qrow seemed to still have plenty of energy. I knew that both of our auras must be practically gone, but we couldn't stop until backup arrived. 

Suddenly, I saw movement out of the corner of my eyes. A Beowulf was about to pounce on Qrow.

"Babe, look out!" I shouted. Qrow turned to me, distracted, and didn't notice the attack until it was too late. 

The Beowulf slashed at his torso and Qrow fell to the ground. I killed the beowulf I was currently fighting and ran over. 

I was just in time to keep the beowulf from landing a second strike on Qrow, killing it in the process. Qrow struggled to stand up beside me, one hand holding the gash.

"Qrow, you need to rest." I continued to fight as I talked. 

Qrow picked up Harbinger, ignoring me.

"Qrow, stop," I pleaded. 

He practically threw himself at the next beowulf, nearly getting himself killed. And he continued to do this until help came. 

As he limped towards the vehicle that was supposed to take us back to Atlas, I ran up to him.

"What were you thinking? You were going to get yourself killed!" 

I smirked his signature smirk. Usually, I would have kissed him right there, but I was too angry for his smirk to affect me.

"As you can see, I'm not dead. Everything turned out fine." He shrugged.

"Qrow Branwen, that was reckless. The most reckless thing I have ever seen, and I've seen plenty of reckless. I've given you space, that's all I've given you today. I did everything Ruby and Yang told me to do, trying to be who you need me to be. But if you expect me to sit back and watch you die, then you are dead wrong. I'd rather fight my way through hell than watch you die. Now, why did you act like that?" 

Qrow stopped dead in his tracks. He seemed surprised to hear me care so much, and more so to hear me angry. 

"Clover, I..." 

"Qrow, you mean the world to me. Now, tell me why." 

He sat down on the edge of the truck, thinking for a moment. I took this opportunity to begin to bandage his wound.

"I've worked by myself for most of my life. I guess I'm just not used to having someone watch my back, or someone who would care whether I was reckless or not. It's just old habits, from when I didn't care whether I lived or died. I never had anyone of anything to live for."

"Qrow, I'm here if you need me. You know that, right? Please, don't be reckless any more. If not for your sake, then for mine." I finished wrapping up his wounds and then wrapped him up in a hug. 

He stiffened for a moment, but then sank into it, hugging me back.

"I know I'm supposed to be giving you space right now, but I felt like you needed this." I said.

"No, thank you. This, this is nice." I mumbled into my shoulder.



"I love you. Thank you for caring about me." 

"Of course I care about you. What are boyfriends for?" 

Qrow thought for a moment. "How about cuddles?"

"Anything for you." 


A/N: This was written super last minute. All last night, I had the worst writers block in the history of writers block. I almost can't believe I was able to write this.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. Not my best story, but it's okay I guess. 

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