Aches and Dates

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Qrow's POV

Uh, my stomach did not feel good, I just wanted to lay in bed. But tonight, Clover had planned this super expensive date and I couldn't let him down. "It's just a stomach ache," I told myself. I could get through one evening.

I got ready, dressing in my nicest clothes. As I was fixing my tie, my head got light and the room felt like it was spinning. "No" I thought. "I cannot get sick right before this date." 

I held onto the counter until the spinning stopped. Just as I was finishing up with my tie, I heard Clover open the apartment door. 

"Hey hun, sorry I'm home late. Ready for our big date tonight?" I took a few deep breathes and left the bathroom to meet him. 

He was already dressed and ready to go. He stopped what he was doing to admire me, commenting on how "adorable" I looked. I blushed, but that caused a headache, so I drank some water to feel better. 

"I'm ready," I said, ignoring the aches and pains I felt. I took Clover's hand and we headed to dinner.

We went to this super expensive restaurant. They sat us at a table in the corner, where we were basically alone. I looked over at the other tables, where people had plates loaded with food. Then I looked at the bread basket at our table, and almost gagged. The idea of eating, of forcing myself to eat an entire meal made me want to be sick.

When we ordered, I asked for the smallest size available, which was barely anything. Clover gave me a weird look and took my hand.

"Babe, are you depressed right now? You aren't in one of your slumps, right?" 

"What? No. Why do you ask?" I was confused.

"Well, I've noticed that you barely eat anything when you're depressed. And you just ordered about a forth of what you usually eat. Don't deny it."

"I'm not depressed, I promise. Thank you for asking though. I just don't really feel like eating right now." 

He squeezed my hand and gave me another worried look, but didn't push the subject.

Our food came and the waiter set the steaming plate in front of me. I took one look at it and excused myself, headed to the bathroom. I locked myself in a stall and sat on the ground, my back pressed against the door. 

My head was spinning, I was unable to see straight. I couldn't focus on anything. I left warm, and my body ached all over. I tried to take deep, repetitive breaths, but I could barely focus. 

I heard the door open and someone knocked on my stall's door. 

"Qrow, sweetie? Please let me in." Clover's voice was full of worry.

I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. It felt like my legs weren't working. 

"Qrow, open the door." 

"I can't." Panic filled my voice. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't fake being okay anymore.

I heard him get on his hands and knees and saw him stick his head under the door. Normally,  I would probably find that funny or slightly annoying; but I was in too much pain to process emotions.

 I felt him gently push me aside and he was soon sitting next to me. He held my face in his hands, trying to get a good look at me.

"Babe, you're pale and burning up. Are you sick?"

I tried to answer, but it came out as a incoherent mumble. The longer I sat there, the worse I felt. Clover let go of my face and unlocked the stall door. Then he forced me on my feet and slung my arm over his shoulder.

The rest, I don't remember too well. I vaguely remember Clover switching to a bridal carry sometime in the night. Which was good, because I couldn't support myself, thanks to all the spinning my head was doing.

I woke up in a hospital bed, hooked up to several machines. 

"Oh my god, you're awake." I feel Clover take my hand and look over at his tear marked face. 

"Hey" I whisper. My voice feels strange, like I've only had it for a few seconds and am just learning to use it.  

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" 

"I didn't think it was that bad, and this date was so important to you. I couldn't take that away from you."

"Babe, it's more important that you are healthy. You gave me quite a scare back there. Please, tell me next time. Don't just do something for me, I care about you."

"Okay, next time, I'll tell you." I said.

"Please, no next time." I laughed a little.

"Okay, no next time. Got it."

The doctor came in the room and began to check my vitals.

"Looks like you're fine. You're good to go home. Just, stay off your feet for a day or two, just in case." 

The nurses came and unhooked me to the machines and heart monitors and Clover took me home. 

I went and layed on the bed, begging Clover to join me. He sighed and came and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"No more scares." 


"I love you Qrow."

"I love you too Clover."


A/N: Short story requested by: AlphaWolf0215

I wrote this in like, ten minutes and didn't really edit it, so it's not my best story, but I hope you enjoyed it!

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