Family Reunion (Raven)

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Raven's POV

"Good morning Raven!"  A young child greeted me. I smiled down at her. We didn't have a lot of children in the bandit tribe and as the leader of the tribe, I had to be kind to all of them. I hated children, but I bore through it because it was my responsibility.

A young man ran up to me. "What is it Garrak?" I asked.

"Ma'am. I lady and her husband are asking to speak to you. We tried to send them away, but they won't go. What would you like us to do?"

I sighed, great. First thing in the morning, we get annoying visitors, probably here to cause trouble. "Send them to my tent, I'll be there. Let's just get this over with." 

I went and sat down, waiting. A few moments later, an older lady, probably sixty years old, followed by an extremely drunk man, walked through the tent flap.

"Are you the leader of this tribe?" The lady asked.

"I am. And who are you?" 

"I'm a mother, looking for her children. About forty years ago, I left a pair of twins, a girl and a boy, in this forest. I'm looking for them. Apparently your tribe has been operating in these woods for a long time, so I was hoping you would know."  

This lady was looking for twins, who she left here forty years ago. My mother left me and my younger twin brother here, forty years ago. It couldn't be her, could it? But what were the chances that another mother left her twin children here at the exact same time?

"Yes, I know where they are. Wait here, I will go get them for you, personally."

I walked out the door, and turned to Garrak. "Make sure that they don't leave. I'm going out. I'll be back soon. Nobody does anything while I'm gone." Garrak nodded and I turned into my raven form, headed off in the direction of Atlas. 

I didn't know exactly where my brother lived, but I knew how to find him. It didn't take long to find him, and I knocked myself against the window, trying to get his attention. I could see him on the other side, having breakfast with his military boyfriend, Clover Ebi. I continued to knock and peck on the window, until Qrow came and opened it. I flew into the kitchen and turned back into my normal human form. 

Clover stood in up in front of Qrow, probably worried I might attack. I could understand why he thought that, but I was in too much of a panic to care. 

"Qrow, they came. They are at the camp."

Qrow's face turned a ghostly shade of white.

"You're lying." But I knew that he believed me.

"No, they actually came." 

Clover looked super confused. "What's going on? Who came?" I ignored him, he was my brother's problem, not mine. 

Qrow grabbed his precious Harbinger and headed towards the door. "We need to go, right now," he told Clover. Clover followed him out the door and I shut it behind us.

Normally, Qrow and I would just travel in bird form, but since we were apparently bringing Clover, we had to take an airship. This took longer, but I managed. Nobody said anything on the way there. 

We got back to the tribe and by now, everybody was wondering what was going on. Nobody knew why I had called off today's schedule, and nobody wanted to the the one to ask.

Garrik ran up to me. "They are still in the tent, as you have ordered. Nobody has spoken to them or done anything." 

"Thank you Garrik." I turned to my brother and his boyfriend. "They are in my tent." Qrow stalked over to the biggest tent,  and I hurried to walk in front of him. Qrow always did have long legs. 

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