Rainy Day Relaxation

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Clover's POV

Qrow looked out the window, watching the rain streak down the glass. Today was our only day off this week and we had planned to go on a picnic, but with the rain pouring down, that was out of the question. 

I watched him a few more moments, then he stood up. 

"Well, if we aren't going to do anything today, I'm going back to bed." He lazily walked out of the room and I heard him slump onto the bed.

I remembered what his nieces told me about his depression and how sometimes it can be triggered by small things, like rain. I peeked into the bedroom, and saw him laying there, his face smashed into the pillow. He looked so uncomfortable, but he didn't move to be more comfortable. Maybe he was depressed right now.

I quietly walked over to the bed and lay down behind him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Not right now," he mumbled into the pillow. 

"Shhh, just let me cuddle you, my little spoon." My boyfriend grumbled into the pillow, but didn't push me away.

I pulled him closer to my chest, and he turned around to face me.

"I love you," I told him.

"What do you want?"

"I just noticed that you seemed a little depressed, so I wanted to tell you that I love you. I'm sorry that we had to cancel the picnic, I know you were looking forward to it." I kissed his forehead.

Then, I had the greatest idea. "What if we still had our picnic?"

Qrow gave me look of confusion. "What do you mean? It's raining cats and dogs out there."

"No one said it has to be outside." I got up, leaving Qrow alone in the bed. He followed me, curiosity getting the best of him. 

I grabbed a blanket and spread it on the living room floor. Then I went to the kitchen and grabbed the basket of food we had made for the picnic. I set it out on the blanket and sat down, motioning for Qrow to do the same. 

He gave me a small smile and sat down next to me. 

"This is amazing babe." I rested my arm on his shoulders, the two of us sitting there, enjoying our picnic. 

After we had finished eating, Qrow lay on the ground and rested his head on my lap. I sat there, looking down at him and stroking his hair while he told a story about Ruby when she was a small child. His gorgeous red eyes stared off into space as he spoke, caught in a memory. It made me so glad to see him happy, instead of depressed.  

Qrow let out a yawn, and I realized that he was probably really exhausted. I knew that depression takes a lot of a person. I picked him up bridal style. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked.

"Taking care of the love of my life."

I carried him into the other room and set him on the bed. Then I climbed in next to him. He placed his head on my chest, closing his eyes. I kissed his forehead and wrapped my arms around him. God, I was so in love with this man, I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life.

It didn't take long for Qrow to start snoring lightly. His snores were the most adorable thing I had ever heard, aside from his voice. 

"I love you babe" I said to my sleeping boyfriend.

He muttered something in his sleep and gave a small smile. I laughed softly, careful not to wake him up. 

I was happy here, with him. No amount of rain could ever take that away from me.


A/N: This story was requested by @AlphaWolf0215. 

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