A Deadly Snack

303 6 9

Qrow's POV

Ruby pulled the cookies out of the oven. She had spent all afternoon teaching me to bake and this was my first successful batch. They weren't burnt or doughy, and when Ruby stuck one in her mouth, she sighed.

"Good?" I asked. She nodded, stuffing another cookie into her mouth.

"Don't eat them all, they are for Clover."

"I think it's so sweet that you are making your boyfriend cookies," Ruby said.

"He always goes out of his way to do big romantic things for me. I wanted to do at least a small something to show how much I love him. Learning to bake cookies seemed like the easiest and most heartfelt thing I could do." 

Yang walked into the kitchen. "I smell Ruby's famous peanut butter cookies."

"Actually, Uncle Qrow made them this time. For Clover." She winked at Yang, who giggled. 

"I can see you two, you know that right?" Yang giggled again and grabbed a cookie.

"These are actually really good!" I sighed and packaged the treats before my nieces could steal any more. 

"I have to take these to Clover, see you guys." The stayed in the kitchen as I headed to Clover's place. I knocked on the door, and Clover opened it, sweat glistening all over him. He had obviously just been working out. It took a moment for me to gain my speech back, he was just so good looking. 

"Hey, babe," he said, leaning in for a kiss. I gave him a quick kiss before we headed inside.

"I have a treat for you." I held out the box of cookies. 

"Cookies! Yay!" My boyfriend did a quick little happy dance, making it as silly as possible. I laughed and handed him one. "I just finished working out and wanted a snack." 

He stuffed the entire cookie in his mouth, not even looking at it. His cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk from how much of the treat he had eaten. As he chewed for a moment, he made a face. He swallowed, which looked kinda painful.

"Qrow, babe, what type of cookies were those?"

"Ruby's famous peanut butter cookies. She taught me to make them." He seemed to be on the verge of panicking. "Why, is something wrong with them?"

"I need you to call an ambulance, right now." What was he saying? But I did as he told me to.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Hi, somethings wrong with my boyfriend, but I don't know what." I looked over at Clover, who had made his way to the bathroom and had pulled out this needle thing. He opened it and stuck the needle in his leg. "He's just put this needle in his leg. I don't really understand what's going on."

"Sir, is your boyfriend able to talk right now." I looked over at Clover, he nodded. 


"May I speak to him?" I handed to scroll to Clover and he held it up to his face.

"Hello?" he said, his words slightly slurred and running together. "Yes, ma'am. Yes, I'm him." 

I tried to pay attention, but the panic and fear had finally set in. Had I poisoned my boyfriend? Was he going to die? Would I lose yet another person I loved?

Finally, the ambulance got to the apartment and took Clover to the hospital. I followed them, and waited for them to tell me what was going on. 

After a hour, a doctor walked over to me. "Are you here for Clover Ebi?" he asked. I stood up and shook his hand, nodding. 

"Mr. Ebi had a severe allergic reaction to peanuts. We've given him medicine and he should be feeling better now, but we would like to keep in here overnight just in case.  He's very lucky that he had his epi-pen, or he wouldn't be here." 

The doctor showed me to his room and left me outside the door. I took a second to compose myself and walked in the room.

"Hey" Clover said, lying in the hospital bed. He was hooked up to multiple machines, but seemed just fine. He was his usual smiling self.

"Why didn't you tell me you are allergic to peanuts? I should have known, especially if your reaction is this bad."  I sat on the side of the bed and took his hand.

"I didn't know when to tell you, it just doesn't come up in normal conversations. And it didn't seem that important, I mean, what were the chances that you would try to feed it to me and I would be careless enough to not notice? Today was my fault, I should have paid attention. Don't blame yourself." Clover placed his hand on my cheek, holding my face. Then he leaned in to kiss my forehead. 

"Is there anything else that you are allergic too?"

"Um, yeah. Literally all types of nuts. Other than that, I'm good. What about you, any allergies I should know about?" 

"No." I moved in closer and wrapped my arm around his broad shoulders. He rested his head on my chest and fell asleep, tired from today's life-threatening excitement. I smiled down at his sleeping face and made a mental note to learn to bake chocolate chip cookies, just for him.


A/N: Thank you to @AlphaWolf0215 for suggesting this story and creating the headcanon that Clover is allergic to nuts. 

I don't really have much to say on this story, it's was short, simple, and easy to write. My sister has nut allergies, so I have a basic idea on how to handle it. 

Don't forget to comment and vote! And if you have a story prompt, let me know! 

Thank you for reading!

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