Author's Note

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Hey everybody, you've probably noticed that I have stopped updating my one shots. Sorry about that. 

The truth is, I'm kind of burned out on this ship, I've just written so much for it in such a short amount of time. I think I'm calling it quits with the one shots. I'm sorry to anyone who sent me a prompt and I didn't get around to writing it. I just haven't felt that inspired. 

I still ship the characters, I love Fair Game. And I'll continue to read and support other Fair Game writers. But I won't be doing much writing myself.

For those people who were reading the "Staff and the Birds" story, I'm setting that aside too. Simply because I don't have the energy to finish it. 

"Qrow's Moving Castle", my Fair Game au, is still undecided if I'm going to finish it. I want to finish it, I was super excited to write it. But it kinda feels like a chore to write it right now. So I think I will try to finish it, but the chapters will be spaced farther apart in publishing dates. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported my works and commented/voted/sent prompts. I appreciate all the support.

I hope you understand and that I can someday come back to this and write a few more one shots. But today is not that day.

thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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