A Little Birdy

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A/N: Day 4 of Fair Game Week! Prompts: birds/semblance. 


Clover's POV

"I have patrol duty tonight, go ahead and have dinner without me." Qrow gave me a quick kiss goodbye as he headed out. 

I started dinner, knowing that I would be eating by myself. I set aside a plate for Qrow, so that he could have something ready for him when he got back later that night.

I slowly enjoyed to food, then after cleaning up, decided to call it a night and head to bed. I flopped down, making sure to stay on my side so that Qrow would have a place to lay down when he got home.


I woke up the next morning, expecting to feel Qrow's face pressed against my chest like it normally is; but he was not there. 

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, looking around. I poked my head into the living room to see if he had fallen asleep on the couch, but he wasn't there either. When I walked into the kitchen, the first thing I noticed was his plate of food, sitting on the table where I left it, untouched. 

I pulled out my scroll, hoping to see a text or a call from Qrow, but there were none. Now I was starting to panic a little. I called Yang, remembering how Qrow said that she liked to wake up early.

"Hello? Clover?" She picked up. 

"Hey Yang. I have a question."


"Have you seen or heard from you uncle since last night? He didn't come back to the apartment, and I'm kind of worried right now." There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

"No, I haven't seen him. I just asked Ruby, and she hasn't seen or heard from him either. Have you tried calling him?"

"No! Why didn't I think of that?" I couldn't believe that I hadn't considered to do that. "I'll call you right back." 

"Okay, hope everything's okay," she said and I hung up.

I pulled up Qrow's contact and pressed the call button. I held the scroll up to my face and waited to hear his voice on the other end, but it kept ringing. 

"This is Qrow Branwen," I heard. 

"Qrow, thank go-" I was cut off.

"Sorry I can't reach you. Leave a message and I promise I will get back to you as soon as possible." 

"Oh come on!" I shouted, hanging up. I called Yang back.

"He didn't pick up, it went to voicemail." 

Yang sighed. "He usually answers calls unless he's lost his scroll or is drunk out of his mind."

"It can't be the second one, he's been sober for a while now. He wouldn't just start drinking again, would he?" 

"That doesn't sound like Uncle Qrow, at least, not the one that is happy here in Atlas. Old Qrow, yes, he would randomly start drinking. You're lucky Clover, you've only ever seen him at his best." 

"How do we find him?" 

"Call Ironwood, or Winter Schnee, someone who can help. Then, I guess we ping his scroll until we find it. I'm heading out right now, I'll meet you in the town square."  She hung up.

I admired how smart that girl was, her and her sister.

I messaged Winter, asking for support and headed out to meet Yang.

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