La Vie En Rose

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A/N: This is my short story for Fair Game weeks day 6! prompts: Atlas Ball/Mantle Battle


Clover's POV

"Are you ready for tonight?" I asked my boyfriend, pulling out my suit and bow tie. I couldn't wait for the Atlas Ball, the biggest, fanciest night of the year. 

Qrow pulled out his suit and tie, staring at it for a minute. He had made it very clear that he was hesitant to be around so many people, especially in such a fancy setting. Qrow never liked crowds and preferred to stay at home or do something quiet. But tonight, he had agreed to go out of his comfort zone for this, since he knew how much it meant to me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He sighed and set the suit on the bed as he began to unbutton the suit jacket. 

"Hey," I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "We don't have to go. If it makes you happy, let's stay home tonight. It's not that big of a deal." 

I laughed a little, though I knew how forced it was. "Stop worrying about Cloves. I'm gonna be fine. Come on, let's get ready." 

We changed and Qrow went into the bathroom to fix his hair. When he came out, my jaw dropped. 

I looked over my boyfriend, and my face heated up in a deep blush. He was stunning, absolutely gorgeous. His hair looked slightly fluffier, his rings seemed to be shinier, and his suit made him look way more serious than normal. He had on a dark red tie, and I had the urge to tug on it to bring him closer so that I could kiss him. 

"Wow" was all I could manage. I felt like an idiot, I was usually so good with words. But Qrow always took my breath away, more so right now. 

"Take a deep breath Boy Scout, deep breathes." Qrow teased. 

"Sorry," I mumbled, fixing me tie. Qrow walked over to help.

"You know, bow ties suit you," he said, planting a quick kiss on my cheek. Then he grabbed my hand, holding it tight. "Come on, let's go to that party." 


The ball was being held at Atlas Academy, but it felt different when we walked in. Less serious, more lively. People were all over the place, talking and drinking. We went into the biggest room, where all the food and dancing was.

I recognized a lot of  famous Atlesians, and a few well-to do residents of Mantle, but Qrow seemed to know no one. He held my hand tighter than he had ever held it before, clearly uncomfortable. 

"Clover Ebi? Is that really you?" I shrill voice called out to me. I turned around and stood face to face with an old teacher from my days at Atlas Academy.

"Mrs. Harkin! How are you?" I said, letting go of Qrow's hand to give my old teacher a hug. She hugged me back, squeezing me until I felt like I was going to burst. I had forgotten how strong she was. 

We chatted for a while, catching up and talking about our days at the Academy. Suddenly, she turned to Qrow, who had been awkwardly standing there.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met. I'm Mrs. Harkin." She extended a hand for Qrow to shake and he took it awkwardly. 

"Qrow Branwen, ma'am." He said. 

"Branwen, huh? You don't have anything to do with that terrible tribe of bandits, do you?" 

Qrow was shifting from foot to foot, visibly uncomfortable.

"No ma'am, I am not part of the bandit tribe," he said. This was technically not a lie, but I understood that he didn't want to talk about that part of his life. 

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