To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade

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A/N: This was written for Fair Game week day 3! (prompts: family/weapons)I chose weapons! I hope you guys enjoy it!


Qrow's POV

"Come on babe! You can't honestly like it just the way it is! It's time for an upgrade!" Clover nagged. 

"I like Harbinger just the way she is, simple and effective. Why should I change her?" I held on tightly to my weapon, the topic of this discussion.

"Upgrading your weapon is growing as a huntsman and becoming better. At least consider it? We could go shopping and look at upgrades and you can at least try to find one that you like!" 

"Fine! But only so that you will leave me alone!" 

The next day, Clover woke me up early so that we could go upgrade shopping. I trudged down the street, following my excited boyfriend. It had taken a lot of effort to convince him to stop on the way to pick up coffee, since he wanted to immediately go to the weapons stores. 

I slowly drank my black coffee, taking in the early morning sun. Clover waited outside the weapons shop, watching me slowly make my way towards him. Clover took a big sip of his steaming cup of tea and opened the door for me.

We walked in and were instantly greeted by a cheery store attendant. 

"Hello! Welcome! How can I help you today?" She smiled. How could she be this bubbly this early in the morning, I wondered to myself. Clover just smiled at her and told her that we were fine, then pulled me down an aisle to begin the search.

He was like a child in a candy store. Clover was talking a mile a minute, gushing over every little weapons part he could lay his hands on. After about two minutes, I gave up on actually trying to listen and learn from him and just watched him. He really was enjoying himself. As he talked about different gun types, barely even paying attention to me, I stood there and continued to drink my coffee. 

As we moved to a different aisle, I realized that I was enjoying myself, despite the fact that I didn't actually want to be here. I mean, I didn't want to add anything to Harbinger, and I hated the fact that it was early in the morning. But watching Clover, I couldn't help but realize just how much I had fallen in love with this man.

He made any small task ten times more exciting by just adding this playful energy to it. I have met anyone like him, and I was so grateful to be here with him. 

"Qrow? Hey, babe, are you okay?" Clover waved his hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality. 

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sorry." I took another long sip of my coffee and followed Clover into the next aisle.

"Need any help?" A new attendant walked over to to us.

"Actually, you know what? Yeah, we do." Clover said. What did he mean by that? I told him that I don't want to upgrade my weapon. 

Clover pulled out Kingfisher, and I let out a small sigh of relief. Clover began showing the attendant what he wanted to do and the attendant pointed him in the right direction, and Clover ran off to get the part.

The attendant turned to me. "Is there anything I can help you with Sir?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I'm just tagging along with him." I said, motioning to the direction Clover had just headed off in. 

"Are you a huntsman?" He asked. I took a good look at the guy and realized he must be around my niece Yang's age. I smiled at him and nodded.

"May I please see your weapon?" He asked. Normally, I would say no, but there was something about this kid that caught my attention, though I didn't know what it was. I set my coffee cup on the nearest shelf and pulled out Harbinger.

A boy gasped and reached out as if he was going to touch it, but he stopped just a few inches short of the handle. 

"Go ahead kid. I'm here if you get anxious." I handed the kid my weapon, ignoring everything in my mind telling me not to. He took it and held it in it's sword form, admiring it. 

"Place your hands here." I told him, nudging his hands on the handle so that he could hold it better. "Now, it's balanced." 

Clover walked back down the aisle, taking in the scene.

"Want to see something even cooler?" I asked the boy.

"Yes sir!" He said. I motioned for him to hand me back Harbinger and he did.

"Step back a few feet." The boy did exactly that. I opened Harbinger up, turning her into a scythe. The boy's eyes widened ten times their original size and I heard Clover laugh.

"If you're careful, I'll let you hold her." I said. The boy nodded and, still wide eyed, took Harbinger from my hands. 

"When I was a boy, I wanted to be a huntsman," He told us. "But my father insisted that I help out in the family store. Instead of having a weapon, I make them." He seemed a little sad.

"Hey," Clover spoke up. "Making weapons is even cooler. That way, you see so triple the amount of weapons as we do. Plus, we couldn't do what we do without people like you. I'd say you chose the right profession."

The kid smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Corbin, sir." 

"Well Corbin, I'm Qrow and this is Clover. We want to thank you for making weapons." 

Corbin watched as I put Harbinger away, and then helped Clover check out. He waved to us as we left the store and we waved back. 

"Come again!" He yelled.

"We will!" Clover yelled back.

We headed back home, Clover talking the entire time about how happy he was that he was able to get the supplies to upgrade Kingfisher. 

"Are you glad you came along with me? Even if you didn't upgrade your weapon?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I am. And, today proves that I don't need to upgrade Harbinger. I mean, that kid back there was awestruck by her, and she's not that fancy. I haven't given her any major upgrades in years, and she still got that reaction." 

Clover smiled.

"Today was good," he said, laying one arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer as we walked. 

"Yeah, it was." 


A/N: When I started this, I had a really vague idea what was going to happen, but I gotta tell you, this was not my original plan. But, even with that in mind, I am really proud with this. Idk if it actually counts as Fair Game, but idc. 

Let me know what you guys think! Did you like it, or not?

Even though it is still Fair Game week, I am still taking prompts. Those will probably take longer to write, but I promise that I will still get to them!

Thank you for reading and I really hope you enjoyed it!

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