He's Your Child part 2

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Clover's POV

A few days ago, we officially adopted Chris. Qrow, my husband, had never looked more alive and happy than when he was playing with the young boy. 

Chris was only four years old, with silky black hair the same color as Qrow's hair, though his was much thicker and rougher. He had bright green eyes and a huge toothy grin. Qrow adored the kid, and made sure that he got all he wanted.

"Wanna come to work with us today? Maybe you can fly in one of the airships!" Qrow had asked our son this morning at breakfast. Chris, who wanted to become a pilot, literally jumped up and down in his seat. 

"Whoa, Qrow, sweetie, hold on. What about Ironwood? He wouldn't like that." Both Qrow and Chris made poutie faces and puppy dog eyes at me. I stared them for a moment before breaking. "Fine, but only because you two are so adorable."

"Yeah!" Qrow and Chris say in unison, fist bumping. I rolled my eyes, what nerds. 

After breakfast, we headed out to the military base to get our missions. Qrow picked Chris up and carried him on his back. 

We meet Ruby and her friends at the job board. They were talking about what missions to do when Yang noticed the little boy on my husbands back.

"So this is the adorable little cousin. Why haven't we met him yet?" She said, walking over. Pretty soon, all the other teenagers are crowded around Chris, talking to him.

"Give him some space. This is his first day out of the house. He's been so excited to see Atlas," I said, picking the little boy up off of Qrow's back and holding him in my arms. 

"Hi! I'm your new cousin, Ruby. Do you want to be a huntsman, just like your dads?" Chris shook his head and pointed an airship nearby. 

"I want to fly! Daddy says that if I work hard, I can be the best pilot ever!" Yang laughed.

"Come on, we have work to do today," Marrow said, walking over to the board. He stopped as he passed by Chris. "So this is the kid, huh? Cute." He messed with Chris's hair before heading to work. 

"Is Ironwood okay with you bringing your son along to work?" Blake asked. Qrow shrugged his shoulders.

"We don't really know. Haven't asked yet. But we were thinking of taking a simple job today. Still haven't found a good daycare yet." Blake nodded.

Chris looked up at me, "Can I help pick your job Papa?" 

"Sure," I said, carrying him over to the job board. I scrolled though and found a few jobs that I was comfortable taking Chris on. I showed them to the boy and he pressed one. He had chosen a patrol job, which meant we would be taking an airship and flying around the outskirts of Mantle, shooting at any grimm that got to close the the city walls.  

We headed out, Chris sitting in the front with the pilot, asking questions and pointing out grimm. The pilot didn't seem to mind, he actually seemed to enjoy the company. Qrow and I had to hop out a few times to fight some particularly annoying beowolves, but other than that, the mission went smoothly. 

"Clover, Qrow, a word please," Ironwood greeted us when we got back. I shared a look with my husband and handed Chris off to Ruby. 

"Take care of him for a moment." Ruby nodded and we followed Ironwood into his office.

Ironwood sat down at his desk and looked at us. "You brought a child on a mission? Even I think that was reckless."

"With all do respect General," I spoke up. "He's our son, and we chose a mission that was safe for him to be on. He just wanted to sit with the pilot." 

"Still, this can't happen again. You can't change my mind." He nodded and we left the office. 

Dinner was nice and quiet. Chris was tired after a long day of excitement and went to bed as soon as he finished eating. 

"We need to talk," Qrow said, sitting at the dinner table. 

"I agree."

"I think one of us should retire" This was not what I expected us to talk about. I thought we were going to talk about what Ironwood had said and finding a good daycare for Chris.

"Think about it," Qrow continued. "Both of his dads are going to be risking their lives every single day, and working long missions where we might not be home for a multiple days. I don't want our son to have to deal with any pain that can come along with that. I want him to grow up as happy as possible and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to one of us and it affected him." 

Qrow had a point, it would be less stressful on our family if at least one of us retired from huntsmen work. But who?

"I've been thinking about this all day. I think I should retire and you can continue working. You have a great job right now. And maybe I can get a teaching position when the academy opens back up. I used to teach before I started doing missions for Ozpin. We can make it work." 

"Qrow, honey, are you sure? That's a lot of change." Qrow nodded.

"It's what's best." 

"If you think we can pull it off, then let's do it. Now let's go to bed, it's pretty late." Qrow smiled and we headed off to bed. 

In the middle of the night, I felt someone move next to me, waking me up. Qrow was curled up against my chest, my arms wrapped around him. He was fast asleep, so who woke me up? I looked over my husband and saw Chris trying to climb up into the bed.

"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?" I asked. Chris finally pulled himself up on the bed and shook Qrow awake.

"I had a bad dream," our son said. 

"Well, the best cure for a bad dream is lots of love. Your daddy can tell you that. Whenever he has a bad dream, I make sure he gets lots of love," I said, pulling Chris into my arms. Qrow scowled at me, but hugged Chris as well. 

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Chris asked.

"Of course you can," Qrow said, laying him between himself and me. Qrow cuddled up to him and I wrapped around my arms around the two of them. They both fell asleep quickly and I looked at the two most important people in my life, my husband and my son. 

"I love you," I told them as I fell asleep as well.


A/N: requested by @Jenni_thewolffaunus! 

This took me forever to figure out what I wanted to happen here, there are just so many possibilities! I'm happy with how this went though. I would never change it.

Thank you for reading! If you liked it, please vote or comment! I love hearing from you guys and having conversations with you! You are all so amazing!

And if you have a story prompt, tell me! You guys have sent some really good ones in!

I really wish I was good at art, cause I really want a family picture of Qrow, Clover and Chris. But I'm not that good. If you have any tips, or anything, I would really appreciate the help! I would just commission a really good artist to do it, but I'm poor, so I'm gonna try to do it myself. If I like it, I will totally share it with you guys!

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