Chapter 14

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Honeybee's POV
When we got back to base, I saw that Wheeljack was in a better mood as he approached us and it would seem like Arcee managed to talk to him.

"Hey Bulk," Wheeljack said, "I just wanna say sorry for leaving you like that."

"Nah it's okay Jackie. I know that you hated the way Ultra Magnus' way of commanding us to do something his way," Bulkhead said, laying an arm around him, "Besides, we're still the Wreckers, right?" He asked,

"(scoffs) Yeah." Wheeljack said, "By the way Honeybee, I wanna talk to you alone. You mind?" He asked,

"As long as it's not something stupid." I joked as we both went outside the base for a private talk.

I could've sworn that I saw Magnus glared at Wheeljack and me. I shook the thought out of processor and just proceeded with what Wheeljack is about to say to me.

Wheeljack's POV
I haven't talked to Honeybee in so long, ever since she left the Wreckers and joined in the elite guard ranks back on Cybertron. I shouldn't have let her go that easily, at it would've different.

"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked me when came up behind the building,

I looked at Honeybee to see that she still has that serious but sassy look in her optics when she joined the Wreckers.

"Look...back on Cybertron when we became partners in the field as Wreckers, you asked me if being a Wrecker was the best choice of your life." I said, as I was about to continue she beat me to it.

"And you said 'yes' because we make a good team together in the fields." She said, "Cut to the chase, Jackie. What do you want to talk about?" She asked,

"I wanna know the truth." I said,

"What do you mean truth?" She asked

"About you and shoulder pads. Is there something going on between the two of you? He seemed to be more concerned about you than the others back at the cave earlier." I said, getting a little irritated to the fact that she is hanging with someone like Magnus. How did that even happen?

"Well honestly it doesn't surprise me if you were the first Mech to notice it." Honeybee said, as she puts her servos on her hips,

I acted confused, but for a fact on Honeybee's intelligence, she could easily tell. I tried to lie about it but she stopped me, by putting her servo up. Of course, she's a Cade, What can you expect?

"Jackie, come on spill it out. What's going on in your mind? I can tell it's about me and Magnus." She said,

"You're right, it's about you and Magnus." I said, "I can't help but feel jealous about it. There I said it."

"Why would you be jealous of him if you are already irritated at him?" She asked,

"Honeybee.....because I...I-I'm still.....well.....I'm actually in love with you." I finally said it, but I know she might have an idea.

"Me too." She said.

Wait, what?!

"I liked you more than a partner or friend back on Cybertron, but when you disobeyed orders from the commanders, that made me irritated. Because you know as well as I that I have full respect when it comes to authority." She said, "That's why I left the Wreckers, just to keep that respect and to improve the strengths in my abilities and to keep my loose cannons under control. And joining the elite guard academy made me who I am today despite that I am a former Wrecker."

It didn't sounded like she was angry or anything. She sounded like she is trying to let me understand her reasons and to me.....well, she has come a long way without any help from me or any of the other Wreckers back then. And from the looks of things, she has became more serious when it comes to the missions, but when she talks with Brianna, she's like her old self.

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