Chapter 11: Yibos POV

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We went down to the second floor and I opened the door to the biggest room in our house, the library. I walked inside and Xiao Zhan was shocked and widened his eyes when he joined me in the room. "This is our library. We have all sorts of books in here. Novels, biographies, nonfiction, textbooks and many more." I am not even sure if Xiao Zhan is listening to me. He seems to really love this room. 'He will be here most of the time I bet'. I shook my head in amusement. 

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Xiao Zhan carefully went to the next bookshelf and looked at the books. He wanted to take one which caught his interest but after moving his head a little into my direction he put his hand down again. Then he walked back to me.

"Xian Zhan... if there is a book you like you can take and read it. You don't have to ask for permission as the books belongs to everyone who lives here. You can take them with you in your room too you know. Just be sure you handle them carefully and put it back to where you got it. Alright?" I asked him.

Xiao Zhan nodded slowly and went back to the bookshelf and took the book. Then he went to one of the armchairs and began to read. I smiled. 'He really likes reading. But I have to make it clear the he doesn't have to ask for permission for everything he wants do to....'

I observed him for a few minutes and went out of the library so he can read in peace. I went to the basketball court in the cellar and trained my skills. ' I should make a plan. What will do with Xiao Zhan tomorrow? What does he like? First we should buy him clothes..." I thought a lot during my private training so that I forgot the time. Only when my phone rang I realized I was down here for almost 4 hours. Its already 6:30 pm. When I looked at the Caller-ID I smiled and accepted the call.

"Yes brother?" I asked him.

"Yibo how are things at home? Is everything alright? How is Xiao Zhan? Is he doing fine?" my brother bombarded me with questions.

"Calm down brother! One question at a time. I will make it short: We are both doing fine. I showed him the garden and the house. I am in the cellar since a few hours and Xiao Zhan is sitting in the library. I will go up and look after him in a few minutes. I promise. So don't worry to much." I answered his questions. 'I hope Xiao Zhan really is doing fine.... I shouldnt have left him there alone for such a long time...'

"I should have known he will be there. I am glad he is doing good" I heard the smile in his voice.

"I am fine too. Just in case you want to know.  But why did you call? Are you that worried something will happen that you called even when you are coming home soon?" I asked amused.

"No, not exactly. I mean yes I am worried but I called because I will take longer that expected. I will be home very late. So don't wait for me. I am really sorry. I should be there and help with everything ..... I hope Xiao Zhan is not mad at me...."

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