Rise and shine 🌞🌞🌞

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Chapter 4............
Before Andrew woke up I texted joe really fast we need to talk. I made some hot coffee and he texted me right away- hey what about ? I text him - I ran into Kelly at the gym yesterday and she threatened me just because I was talking to you !!!! Joe - I don't know what gave her the right to do that when she's not officially my girlfriend yet . I did want to ask her out but she's kinda been up my ass too much just like high school vibes . I text him - wow that's really annoying I'm sorry you have to put up with that . Joe - it's okay I'm used to being stalked by Kelly but at least kelsie has moved on . Ashley- she's boy crazy but she's definitely not a bad person I think we're becoming friends again. Joe - that's great news I am glad to hear it . Ashley- so are you gonna talk to Kelly about what she did yesterday ?!!! . Joe - I've definitely got your back Ashley don't worry about it . Ashley- thanks !!! Joe- speak of the devil I've got to pick up this call . Ashley- okay good luck buddy you'll definitely need it . Joe - thanks Ashley bye . I was about to make coffee when all of a sudden I heard savanna and Matt screaming at each other their up there having a fight and I'm wondering what it's about . Savanna- you didn't do anything?! Matt screams - no babe I didn't do anything! Savanna- pull out your phone right now then if you didn't do anything! Andrew runs downstairs- hey . Ashley- babe what's happening? Andrew- they woke me up fighting I didn't go into the room because it's really none of my business but I'm guessing Matt is cheating on her . Ashley- it definitely doesn't sound good. Andrew- lets make coffee and tea and just try and talk to her about it if he leaves . Ashley- okay . I make hot coffee and he makes hot tea . You could still hear them fighting and stuff was being thrown around her room. She gets her temper from her mom . I am a hot head sometimes...well at least when I'm having a bad anxiety attack but I calm myself down with listening to music 🎶. Savanna- Matt leave my house ! I am going to boot you out if you don't show me what you're hiding from me on ur phone. Matt screams- savanna I'm not going to hide things from you like I never do so I don't understand what the hell you want to see on my phone! Savanna- I just wanna see it may I have it plz if you've got nothing to hide let me see it now ! Or we can just breakup! Oh . My . Freakin. God. Andrew- this little punk . What is going on ? Ashley- I wonder if she's okay upstairs. Savanna ran downstairs in tears and ran out the front door with what looked like her boyfriends bag in her hand. Matt ran downstairs screaming- babe stop it we're not breaking up this is stupid. Savanna- get out of my house I'm done we're done I don't love you Matt ! Matt - fine whatever I'll go find a brand new girlfriend who's way hotter then you are ! I appreciate you kicking me out and breaking my heart . He grabs his things and runs away crying. Savanna- yeah run to grace you freakin moron ! Slams the house door hard and drops to the floor in tears . My heart just sunk for her I do know how she's feeling so I sat next to her and just hold her - it's gonna be okay come here sweetie . Andrew- I'll make you hot co co you're favorite forget boys . He makes her a hot co co . My daughters very first official breakup it's super sad and I felt bad but I'm so proud of her for throwing him out . Ashley- wanna tell me what happened? Savanna- well we were both still asleep and I heard a phone go off and I woke up because it woke me up and it was his phone it said are you still planning on coming over later for my birthday party with hearts 💕 and he then woke up we got into a fight I don't believe him when he told me it's just my cousin grace . Ashley- well have you even met his family? Savanna- definitely not but it would be nice . Ashley- do you think it's too early after all he just asked ya out . Savanna- it definitely takes time I know I'll meet his family one day but uh I kinda just broke up with him without trying to get his side of the story and now I feel bad . Ashley- why don't you just talk to him tomorrow about it and have you time today we could go to a spa and have a girls day . Beep . Beep , beep . Beep . I hear a phone I say . Savanna- yeah it's just Matt blowing up my phone. She then shut it off. I'm definitely not ready to talk to him . Ashley- everything will be fine I'm sure come on into the kitchen you're dad made your favorite hot co co and uh it's a bit cold out. Savanna- yeah it is . We walk into the kitchen. Andrew- hi feeling a bit better? Savanna- yeah thanks dad . Andrew- here try this made it just for you . Savanna- omg this is really good dad . Andrew- glad you love it ya also might love this news or ya might not he winked at me . I gave him a very odd look . What's he about to say ? Savanna- uh okay what's up? Andrew- how would you like another kid in the family like a sister or a brother. I spit coffee all over the floor choking . Savanna- dad you're disgusting I can't believe ya just said that out loud . Okay my boyfriend needs a mental exam . ASAP ! Ashley- Andrew !!!!! Andrew- relax I'm only messing around with you. Ashley- good other wise I'd just have to suffocate you . Andrew- but in the future I wanna have a son please. Ashley- why so ya can teach him how to play video games instead of shoot some hoops ? Savanna laughed- dam moms roasting you . Andrew- babe shut up you know I won't be playing video games. Ashley- okay well we're gonna see about that in the future. Savanna- hey uh speaking of sports can I play soccer and uh volleyball please? Andrew- yes . Ashley- of course you can sweetie. Savanna- I am going to go play soccer and volleyball outside and practice. Andrew- I'll go outside and play and coach you . You're mom sucks at both sports by the way .

Ashley raises her eyebrows at him- what did you just about me ?!!!

Andrew winked at me- don't worry beautiful practice makes perfect!!!

Savanna rolled her eyes- I think I might throw up if ya two don't stop .

Ashley- don't stop with what ? I'm not even doing anything wrong !!!! Do you hear the way he's talking to me right now? I don't suck at soccer ⚽️ I was the best on my team . Serena - oh yeah mom says ya didn't even know which way the net was and what goal to kick it in . Ashley- where did ya come from just now ?!! Serena laughs - Courtney and I came tru to visit you guys didn't come to the door so we just went in the yard when we heard your voices . savanna hugs then both well I'm happy you're here . Ashley- I'm not . Savanna- Matt and I broke up btw . Courtney - really what happened? Savanna- a girl was texting his phone early this morning it woke me up and we had a huge fight it was bad I kicked him out of the house like I threw his bags outside in the yard . Serena and country both laugh . Serena - that's what Ashley here does when she's mad at Andrew you get that from her also grandma would definitely do that . Courtney- runs in the fam savanna laughs - I guess so . Andrew- does anybody wanna play volleyball 🏐? .

Serena and Courtney both agreed to play volleyball 🏐. I didn't wanna play . I was ticked off at Serena for saying I sucked at soccer the net thing wasn't the truth at all. I just sat and watched plus Patrick Courtney's boyfriend showed up and he was playing soccer and volleyball 🏐 with them so they enough people. I glare at Andrew and he runs over to me - hey babe is everything okay ? He sat down next to me . It's water break now . Ashley- I guess I'm a little bit mad at Serena . Andrew- if it makes you feel better I believe you I've seen you play I disagree with her that you don't know we're the net was or is or whatever, he leans in to kiss me but then boom 💥 ouch watch it Andrew said lo9king over at Serena . She definitely just threw the soccer ball at us on purpose. Serena - I'm not watching you guys make out let's go water breaks over Andrew your now on my team ! Andrew rubs his head and gets up - lucky freakin me . Ashley laughs - put him thru hell . Serena - I definitely will . This should be very interesting to watch . When I wasn't mad anymore I joined in and I actually scored a lot of goals and I rubbed it hard in my sisters face - who are you calling a bad player ?! Serena laughs- you take things so serious I wad just kidding earlier today ash !!!

Lol 😂 I'm such a great soccer ⚽️ player but I'll always suck at volleyball 🏐.

End of this chapter. Okay so I'm currently writing this book in March and it's my sisters birthday in 4 days so I just wanna say happy birthday Courtney you're a great sister I don't know what I'd do without my baby puppy Bruin in my life he cheers me up when I'm very mad and ticked off or crying having a bad day he helps big big time and I wouldn't feel comfortable here at home without him . He just completes this family and makes me super happy he can make me get Gray hairs and super mad sometimes but he's a baby and he's growing up quickly and I am not used to having a small dog so it's a good challenge to have . I love Bruin thanks so much for buying me a dog for Christmas 🎄 best gift ever honestly it was a joke like haha I need a dog we should look into it then things got serious I wanted a dog it wasn't a joke anymore especially after the people sent videos of Bruin running around in the grass my heart melted it still does he's adorable 😍 I wouldn't want any other dog in the world my golden retriever bailey passed away and having a new puppy just gets my mind off that makes me feel better. Anyway sis love you happy birthday 🎂 ps - what's the next pet ur buying me ? I'm just messing with you plz no more pets maybe a fish in 2021 but don't buy any rats 🐀 mice 🐁 cats 🐈 none of those birds 🐦 one fish one puppy is just enough pets I need although I did buy my betta fish with my own money lol .

Wasted all my time on him season 3 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora