Busted them together😤😡😤😡

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Chapter 12..............

Matt pulled up into our driveway and Andrew was dressed up in his uniform to spy in the bushes outside. His marine uniform really makes him blend in well . I was watching out the window with a cup of coffee from the living room. All of a sudden savanna comes running downstairs so I act like Im cleaning the living room coffee table up . Savanna- uh hi mom what are ya doing ? Ashley- oh hi ! I was just cleaning you know if you're having guest over soon we'd definitely want the house to look tip top in shape ! Wouldn't want rats running around right or wrong?! Savanna gave me a weird look- uh okay weird . I'm gonna go outside and go for a bike ride bye mom . Ashley- okay have fun are ya going with that friend who's supposed to come over. Savanna- she's actually waiting outside in the driveway so I have to go bye mom . Savanna walked outside grabbing her bike . Matt grabbed his off his truck and off they went together probably to go talk alone without us listening in . Freakin genus kids these days . I'm super mad that she lied to my face again. Andrew came inside the house- yup Matt's here !!! Ashley - I get it's getting warm out but why are they going for a bike ride ? It's not really that warm out . Andrew- probably just to talk without us listening in on their conversation especially you because you're nosy . Ashley- Serena get in the car we're going for a ride it's time to bust them together. Serena - coming !!!! Ashley- so babe feel like going for a drive ? Andrew- I've always wanted to be a spy let's go . Serena and Andrew and I ran to the car and get in and away we go ! We're on a secret spy mission. Serena - you guys are crazy do ya know that ? Bet Courtney has no clue what's happening right now. She FaceTime her . And she picked up- hi Serena did ya see the funny tik Tok yesterday?! Serena- no shut up our sister is crazy we're currently on a spy mission on savanna because she's uh with Matt . Courtney- wait she's hanging out with her ex boyfriend just like ya did ? Ashley- that's what I said ! Courtney- that's funny but not is she insane ?! And who's driving the car ? Patrick - I'm guessing Andrew since it's his daughter sneaking off with a boy he laughed . Courtney- I don't think it's funny at all babe I definitely don't want my niece being around a guy who doesn't wanna be with her and is only going to use her. Ashley- yeah that's why we're spying on them ! .

Andrew- we might have to actually turn this car around and go back home babe . Ashley- whys that ? Andrew- because I'm wearing my uniform still . Serena - you didn't think about changing before leaving the house! Andrew- no I was way too busy spying . Ashley laughs - it's totally fine let's just go back home it would look weird if we all left the house. Andrew- or we can drop Serena off at home and she can spy on them . Ashley- yes she can hang out in our bedroom. Serena - okay I'm down should I invite Courtney over to hang out with me so I'm not bored to death ? Andrew- I don't care . Ashley- yeah same here I don't care . Serena text her - spying on our niece get to Ashley's house please. Courtney- okay pat is just going to drop me off there bye . Ashley- our plan is perfect we're going on a date . Serena - yeah we're at McDonald's? Ashley- yeah . Andrew- yeah how'd u know ? She laughed getting outta the car okay bye lovebirds have fun at McDonald's I'm gonna go hide . Ashley- okay bye we'll be back shortly. Andrew- have a fun time ! We took off to McDonald's a ice coffee from there sounds so good right bout now while meanwhile on the bike ride with Matt and savanna. Savanna- I'm hungry! Matt - all I have money for is McDonald's let's go back to ya house and grab the car . Savanna- I love McDonald's this is the best date ever but only one small uh issue . Matt - what's wrong? Savanna- uh what way is back home? As they both looked up all they could see was nothing but trees 🌲 oh no we're lost In the woods were so screwed he said freakin out . Savanna- we should map a plan out do you have a pen and a paper on you ? Matt - yeah here he pulled out paper and a pen . Let me write it out . Meanwhile with Courtney and Serena - it's been a few hours since she left with him . Andrew and I cane back home from McDonald's. I asked - so we're is savanna and Matt ? Luckily Matt and savanna found their way back home 🏡 and when they walked in the house they both were shocked to see everybody. Andrew- welcome home sneaky one . Savanna- uh hi what's going on here ? Matt - I'll just leave . Andrew- you stay ! Sit down both of you right now!!!! I've never seen Andrew go into dad mode but it was super scary . Matt sits and he takes savannas Hand and makes her sit down with him - yes sir . Andrew- it's cute how you two think you can get away with dating behind our backs without us two finding out about it . Savanna- it wasn't even his idea so don't get mad at him dad . Andrew- listen I don't approve of this relationship but I also want you to be happy besides I've made big mistakes before and ya mom is still with me I hope that Matt here will be a great boyfriend to ya from here on out because if he isn't then I'll have an issue with him and he won't be allowed here again. Get it ?! Got it ? Good ! You're both excused ! Matt - we can go to McDonald's another day babe I'm gonna go home bye love you. He kisses her quick then rushes out the door. Savanna gets up and walks upstairs not saying a word to us . Guessing she's upset with us . Andrew- kids these days I'll be in the shower watch her plz . Ashley- she's not five years old babe . Andrew- yeah but first the bora bora boy now Matt again like who's she like these days ! Ashley- she didn't even know him they just hung up out . Andrew- okay whatever I don't want to talk about it . 🤯.

Ashley- are you gonna be okay babe? Andrew- yeah I'm just gonna take a shower real quick be out soon . Ashley- I'm gonna go talk to savanna upstairs then . I walk upstairs hey savanna I knocked on her bedroom door it's mom can I come in ?! Savanna- it's opened! Come on in ! Ashley- hi sweetie want to give me a room tour ? Savanna- a room tour ? How old are you? Ashley- you seem a bit mad do you wanna maybe talk about it ? Why are ya sneaking off with Matt all a sudden when ya we're in bora bora you seemed to be having fun . Savanna- yeah mom I did have fun but I missed Matt the whole time I was there . Ashley- oh so that's why you were hanging out with another guy there ? Savanna- uh yeah it did kinda help till we came back home. It was I guess too short of a vacation for me but I enjoyed helping you get over ya fear of sharks I honestly didn't think ya were going to actually do it . Ashley laughs - I guess I wanna get over my fear it didn't work tho but next vacation let's not let your dad know. Savanna- Matt is calling me can I have a second mom and don't worry I won't tell him . Ashley- I'll be downstairs great talk sweetie love ya. Savanna- I love you to mom . Hey Matt . Matt - McDonald's look out the window. Savanna- are you insane my dada mad at you still . Matt - I'm climbing up to ya here take the rope . Savanna took the rope full of food it's in a basket 🧺. Savanna- you're scared of my dad ? Matt - uh yeah he's a marine . I don't ever wanna upset him ever again I'll go to boot camp savanna laughed as he snuck in her window and kisses her . Savanna- then let's go tell them you're here and sneaking in my room. Matt - okay lead the way babe she grabs his hand and leads him to the stairs - hey guys Matt's sleeping over !!!!

Andrew- like hell hw is Matt have a nice night leave my house right now please and thanks. Savanna- dad don't be rude . Matt - can savanna and I finish our picnic I made her at least before I leave ? Andrew- fine ! Goodnight savanna!!! . Savanna- thanks dad goodnight. Oh yeah I forgot to mention it's night time now . Serena's playing hockey in the basement but then she comes upstairs to get a drink of ice water and then she runs upstairs to the guest bedroom night ash! Night Andrew! She said . Andrew and I - night Serena . We have a cup of hot coffee before bed even tho it keeps us up we still like to cuddle and chat . I'm not to happy about savanna and Matt dating again but this is his second chance it's savannas very first boyfriend so I really need to be a mom and suck it up but I do know that Courtney isn't going to like this . Beep . Beep . Text reads - tomorrow I will have to come over and have a chat with my niece . I shut off my phone I'm so not in the mood for this shit . Andrew- are you okay who texted you just now ?!!! Ashley- Courtney . Let's just forget about it and go to sleep 😴. Savanna and Matt had their picnic but then he left right away not wanting to upset Andrew. I am glad that Matt can except his house rules and not make him angry. Trust me you don't wanna see him angry. When he gets mad at joe I think his head would blow off his body just by how red his face and ears get . He's the jealous type !!!!!

Beep. Beep . Text message from amber on Andrew phone- it's too bad the gym we workout at Is shut down due to the virus going round look at the news it's so bad . Now we've got to stay home for 30 days I think I'm going to lose my mind .

Wtf . Wtf . Wtf .

Wake up now I screamed at Andrew and he woke up right away- babe this house better be on fire what's going on?! Ashley- whys you're ex girlfriend texting you about the virus and the gym ? Andrew- babe put my phone down and go to bed . I sigh - fine but we're having a chat in the morning time about this goodnight!!!!

Oh no busted he's still got his ex girlfriend's phone number red flags 🚩 will be shown towards him now just keep on reading you guys to find out how their conversation goes when they wake up. 🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡😴😴😴🌃🌃🌃☕️☕️☕️

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