I love you 🥰🥰🥰

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Chapter 16..........

I'm super uncomfortable with the fact that my bestie Kayla has a crush on my ex boyfriend joe and he might like her back . Till of course he shows up at my front door with roses 🌹 in hand . I opened the door super confused- joe what are you doing here ? Joe - uh hey just thought I'd bring ya some flowers is all . Ashley - I appreciate it these are really pretty uh but have you thought of getting roses for a special someone before? Joe now looks confused- ash what are ya talking about? Ashley- you're seriously joking right ?! You can't be that blind by it . Joe- blind by what ash ? Ashley- you're crush on Kayla and her crush on you I'm not dumb so if you're bringing me roses to apologize thanks I very much appreciate it and I don't support this new relationship sorry . Joe - are ya saying you've got feelings for me? How adorable ash . Ashley- shut up! I have a boyfriend and a daughter I don't have time to ...he cut me off - I'd never ask ya to breakup with him Ashley . Ashley- good to hear so do ya love Kelly still or do you love Kayla? Joe- well uh i actually love you. Here we go again. Ashley- joe take the flowers I'm not gonna do this again. Joe - I know he's my friend but ...Ashley just hear me out please. I really don't want to hear it joe you should go home okay I slammed the door in his face . Dam it . He thinks I'm interested in him maybe a tiny bit but Andrew is the one for me I'm 100 percent sure . I text Kayla- we need to talk so call me now please. She called and says - ash you're scaring me if everything okay ? Oh my god are you pregnant again ! Ya better not be ! Shut up I hissed at her we've got a big big issue ! Kayla- oh this sounds serious. What's wrong ? Ashley- joe came to my house just now he's leaving and he uh well he ....Kayla- ash just spit it out girl what did he say ?! Ashley- I love you that's what he told me. Kayla- is this a joke I know today's April fools day ! Ashley- Kayla I really wish this was a joke . I'm so sorry I had no clue he was going to show up at my door and say this to me he got me roses to . Kayla- well I've got something to tell you. Ashley- I'm listening go ahead . Kayla - April fools ya bitch ! Ashley- I'm sorry what was that ? Kayla- you seriously think I'm interested in you're ex boyfriend I hate the guy can't stand him one bit . Ashley - wait you're telling me this was a joke all along with you ? . Kayla- yup and if joe told ya anything it's a lie he's not crushing on me and oh I forgot to warn you he would show up to your house with flowers in his hands . I am so shook I am left completely speechless 😶. Kayla- hello are ya there ash ?! Ash ! I have to go bye I hung up . Holy . Crap . Holy . Crap . Holy freakin crap . I really actually might throw up now . Joes my best friend this can't be a joke can it be ? The poor guy I've got to do something like I've got to talk to him but I'm gonna have to get advice from Kayla so I called back and she snaps on me - if ya hang up on me again I'll punch you In the head ! Ashley laughs - I'm sorry I'm just flipping out right now so joe has been hiding his crush on me I'm guessing to you ?! All along I thought you two were hooking up or about to. Kayla- why the hell would I hook up with him ? I'm not brook . Ashley- very funny. What do I do about this joe situation? Kayla- well if ya don't want any drama then talk to him . Ashley- this is definitely going to be hard . Kayla - joe is a great guy ash he's not gonna get mad if ya chose Andrew over him right ? Ashley- that's the thing I uh I don't really know what I want yet . Kayla- what ya trying to say girl ! I might still I choke out . Kayla- go ahead say it spill the tea girl . Ashley - I might still like joe to . Kayla- oh wow how exciting I can't wait to watch Andrew have a mental case attack on ya when he gets home. Ashley- I'm in a mess 24/7 when it comes down to boys . Kayla- me too now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go get my boyfriend back into my arms and good luck talking with joe and Andrew love you lots ash ! She hangs up the phone on me and I feel like I'm gonna die . I'm gonna just go on and dig myself a hole 🕳 lay in it till heaven sweeps me off my feet literally!!!

Joes words are stuck in my head . I love you. I love you. I love you. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic relationship. Ring ring my boyfriend is calling me oh yay . Andrew- hey babe how is your day going so far ? How's savanna doing ? Does her leg hurt still? Ashley- I have something to tell you I'm not sure how you're gonna react . Andrew- what ? Ashley- joe came over today and brought roses for me and he said he loves me anyway I was shocked I just thanked him for them and he left . Andrew- I'm kinda mad because he's supposed to be my friend but I think maybe he only wants to be my friend to hang out with ya more he told me about your guys second pool party when I've been gone . Ashley- okay we had a small get together and went swimming that's really it . Andrew- I trust ya babe I trust him to honestly I'm mad but not that mad it's just roses it's weird though . I agree I say wanna talk to savanna? Andrew- sure . Savanna! Phone ! Savanna- uh mom I can't walk remember! My leg is broken . Matt - I'll get it babe he ran downstairs grabs the phone from me thanks . Welcome I said . He runs upstairs. Savanna- hi dad ! My leg hurts but I'll survive. Ashley Texting Kayla - joe texted me apologizing for showing up to my house with roses. Kayla text me back - awe he's cute . He definitely felt uncomfortable doing that I bet Kelly was stalking ya house earlier to just watching you guys . Ashley- don't even wanna think like that Kayla. Kayla laughs- good thing we're not in high school anymore. Ashley- faint god right ?! It was living hell . Kayla- yeah I texted Caleb he says I need space !!!! Can't believe I'm even trying to win him back . Ashley laughs - give him space he's probably just busy with surfing before the nation goes on lockdown soon .

Omg I completely forgot about that virus she texted me back . You're definitely not wrong about that ! He's just so ....I don't know caught up in the waves of the sea . Ashley Texting her back - I have savanna phone texting u Matt took my cell phone upstairs to savanna so Andrew could talk to her . Kayla text back - girlie u know how savanna gets bout her phone stop texting me on it I'll text you on your phone later on bye 👋. Ashley- okay but enough joe and Andrew conversations ! .

I then set her phone down onto the table trying to relax a bit but I can't get joe off my mind or my boyfriend. Savanna- when are ya coming back home dad ? What do you mean you've got no idea ! Okay bye dad . They hung up and then Matt brings me my phone and takes hers upstairs to her bedroom. Hey babe I got your phone ya left it downstairs. Savanna- thanks . Matt - don't cry baby it's okay he hugs her tightly. Savanna- I wish my leg wasn't broken . Matt - me too . I'm here for you okay and I'm sure you're dad will be home soon . Savanna- he's pretty tuff . Matt - I can tell . Savanna laughed- what's that even mean ? Matt - I don't know babe . I listened to Matt and savanna conversation and fell asleep on the couch 🛋. I don't know how long I was out for but it must've been awhile I woke up to a pounding at my door 🚪. Great . Just great . What if it's Kelly ?!!!! I got off the couch and went to peek out the window but to my surprise it's not her it's a kid about 16 years old with blonde hair and green eyes. I opened my door a little crack and asked - hi how can I help you? The boy - Boy Scout cookies would you guys like to buy some ? Matt came downstairs holding savanna in his arms . I guess he knew the boy because he set savanna down and asked - what are you doing here nerd ? Savanna- he's definitely not a nerd hi will how's it going with you ? Ashley- you guys know him from school I'm guessing I'll get money to buy cookies hold on a second I ran to grab some money Andrew left us for some food and will smiled at Matt and savanna- hi savanna I didn't know ya lived here nice house what happened to ya leg ? Savanna- ski accident. Matt - I'll be right back. He walked into the kitchen and i say - somebody is getting jealous. Matt - nope I'm fine thanks he pulls out two cokes and then walked away. I went to the front door and gave will the cash here you go have a nice day . Will - thanks here are ur cookies thanks ya to and savanna feel better bye guys . He left . Ashley- well he seems nice is he one of ya friends sweetie? Savanna- kinda not really mom . Matt laughed - he's got a crush on savanna. Ashley- really? Savanna- yeah i uh don't wanna talk about it . Matt - good l got ya a soda here ya go . Savanna- love you thanks she opened up the can and drinks it . Matt - love you to babe don't drink it too fast you're going to get the hiccups . I laugh and get up okay I'm gonna go take a nap . Matt - okay. Savanna- okay mom we're going to just sit here and watch some tv . Ashley- okay good idea stay off that leg missy and oh Matt don't let psychos in the house. Matt - no problem. Ashley- thanks . I step into my bedroom and shut the door turning off the lamps before hoping into bed and falling into a fast and deep deep sleep listening to their movie playing out in the hallway. Savanna- babe make some popcorn. Matt - okay babe coming up !!!!

Savanna- I really hope dad comes back home from Japan soon before the country shuts down . Matt - well it's down pouring out right now wonder if it's like that right now down there . Savanna- I wonder if it ever rains in Japan !!!! .

Savanna and Matt Just chat about japan and watched movies 🎥 till they both fell asleep also . When I woke up I got a text from Kayla- Starbucks has arrived bitch are you gonna leave me in the down pouring rain ? I get up confused as to why my bestie is at my house late at night now with Starbucks but I do need a big cup of iced coffee. I opened the door and let her come inside . Kayla- hey girlie I got everyone Starbucks but I see their asleep I feel bad for savanna. How's her leg ? She said setting the Starbucks drinks on the counter . Ashley- better and uh thanks for the Starbucks. Matt has been sleeping here to help savanna out it's so nice to have help around here . Kayla- the Boy Scouts cane by my house today and I got mint cookies. Ashley laughs- I got mint cookies to . Savanna and Matt knew that kid so that was awkward especially for Matt . He definitely wasn't ok Kayla- awe he got jealous. Ashley- basically. Kayla- at least he actually cares now about savanna it's a good thing. Ashley- i know. We had Starbucks drinks and we chat the whole night away Kayla went home at 3 am and then I went to sleep not wanting to wake savanna or Matt up . Yup their on the living room couch asleep still . It's super adorable I wish I had Andrew by my side to cuddle with at night .

I fell asleep and I dreamed about Japan 🇯🇵....

Oxox Ashley b .

Who do ya guys think ash likes more her boyfriend or her ex boyfriend find out in the next chapter you definitely won't wanna miss this next chapter guys .

Thanks for reading my new 📚 book I appreciate it so much .

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