Dont watch the news 🤭🦠🤭🦠

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Chapter 16 .........
So my daughter savanna has just been resting on the couch with her broken leg up on a pillow it's in the cast still and her boyfriend Matt stayed right by her side and I'm a train wreck watching the news as they say how bad this virus is now getting. It happened so fast and I thought that the year 2020 would be my year ! Since the past 2 years haven't been good at all . And my boyfriend is stuck down in Japan and god knows when he's gonna be back . I'm freaking out if ya can't tell . It's down pouring outside. Matt - are you okay? He's askidon't wanna keep sitting around watching the news it's nothing but virus talk . Matt - I think people are actually crazy about this whole virus thing don't blame them though but is it really that bad that you have to go to the store and snatch all the toilet paper up so no old people can have any! Savanna- yeah I felt bad for this old man on tik tok looking for toilet paper and there wasn't anything on the shelves . Matt - yeah I saw that to . Ashley- yeah I'm gonna make some hot coffee I'll be right back. Savanna- okay. Matt - can we change the channel? Ashley- yes don't watch the news . Matt changes the channel. Savanna- grandma isn't here faint god above ! She'd want to watch the news . Ashley- you're not wrong about that savanna. I make the hot coffee. Savanna- what's up with dad and ya mom ? Ashley- savanna what are you talking about? Savanna- you and dad keep fighting like I'm sorry but I'm 16 almost 17 now so I definitely know when my parents are fighting. Ashley- it's not a big deal you and Matt I'm sure fight if you're a couple and you don't fight then there's something wrong with you . Matt - facts ! Facts ! Savanna laughs - okay mom I get it . Ashley- good speaking of dad give him a call he's worried about you and he can't come home . Savanna- okay I'll call him now she says babe hand me my cell phone. Matt gave her her cell phone and she calls up Andrew. Right away he picks up - savanna! Hi are ya okay? What happened?!

Savanna laughed- hi dad Matt and I went skiing for the last time before winter's officially over over and I fell and broke my leg and got rushed to the hospital 🏥.

Andrew- so how does your leg feel today any better then last night?!!!!

Savanna- it hurts a lot I'm just here with Matt watching some tv and moms in the kitchen making coffee. Andrew- okay well tell Matt I said hi and let me talk to mom . Ashley- I'll take that thanks I grab the phone hey babe what ya doing today ? How's Japan going ? Andrew- the only thing I've got to keep warm is my sleeping bag a tent and burnt coffee and I hate coffee and card games to play with the boys if us marines get bored . Base kinda sucks but Japan however it's amazing here super beautiful. Ashley- yeah I bet and ew they made ya boys sleep in a tent ! I hope there's no bugs . Andrew laughed - you're more scared of mice then bugs . Ashley- yes I am don't remind me. Savanna- really mom because last night there was a big spider on ya bed and ya screamed like a little girl. Ashley- I am sorry there was a giant spider crawling up my bed post at 11 o'clock at night! Matt Laughs - what's with girls being scared of spiders and bugs and mice ! I'm not listening to ya Matt I said as I'm pouring my cup of hot steamy coffee that omg smells amazing. Savanna laughed- babe shut up ya are scared of the dark . Matt - keep talking I dare you! Savanna- babe get a night light on right now right now she mocked him . All the sudden Matt started to tickle her. Ashley- guys !!!! Matt - what ! Ashley- don't break the couch . Matt stops - my bad ! Savanna- hate you ! Matt - lets play some video games babe . I'll carry you upstairs if ya down to go play . Savanna- I'm down to go play ! Okay let's go Matt picked her up and said we're going upstairs bye . Then he walks upstairs with savanna as I laugh and shake my head kids these days . My bff Kayla called me - hi bestie ! What's up ! Ashley- how much Catherine did you have this morning? Kayla- I'm happy okay it's my first time being single since 6 years I've spent dating guys . Lol 😂. Me to girl me to . Ashley- oh you're not dating Caleb anymore? Kayla- no that day of your pool party at joes I left and he broke up with me . He rather be out in Hawaii surfing then around me . Ashley- wow that sounds brutal I'm sorry girl . Kayla- are you kidding me ! It's the best thing that could possibly happen to me ! It's this new virus that's been killing my vibes not the breakup. Ashley- okay did u meet a new guy or something ? Nobody this normal would be happy about any breakup no matter how long you've dated for . Kayla- I'm happy I'm single and ya soon will join the singles club to . Ashley- I don't think so . Kayla- trust me ya don't need a boyfriend especially Andrew. Ashley- Kayla you haven't met that right boy yet having a boyfriend isn't really that bad . Kayla- I'm not saying that having a boyfriend is bad I just rather be single wild and free ! It's the best you know what I mean ! Ashley- okay..So you're not crushing on my ex boyfriend ? Kayla- joes a cutie but now thinking about it I'd rather be wild single and free ! Ashley- okay good to know because the thought of ya two dating is gross !!!!!!!!

Kayla- you seriously think I'd date your ex boyfriend behind ya back ? Girl you've got the wrong bestie here . Ashley- yeah I don't know what I was thinking. Lol . Silly freakin me . Kayla- but if he talks about me then let me know gtg sis bye . She hung up on me . I get another cup of hot coffee and make some popcorn 🍿.

Yup they both definitely got crushes on each other 😂😂😂😂.

I'm super uncomfortable 😣 super super uncomfortable 😣 I hate this . You've got the wrong bestie let's hope so . Other wise I'd have a talk with her and joe .

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