We keep on fighting 🙄🙄🙄

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Chapter 18...........

So I made breakfast in bed for my boyfriend Andrew and he kept giving me attitude and I was fed up with it honestly. Ashley- you didn't mean what you said last night did you? Andrew- I am going crazy thinking about it babe can't ya be like honest with me about your feelings towards him? Ashley- I said I liked him to your face and you're now freaking out over it after coming back home from Japan and Afghanistan really? Andrew - okay well what did you say when he just showed up here like uninvited? Ya definitely didn't tell your best friend to leave ! Did you say I love you back ?! Ashley- babe of course not is this why your upset ? Andrew- I'm upset about this whole situation I think I need to invite him over to talk . Ashley- I mean if it gets you to not be angry with me then invite him over to talk I don't really care . Andrew- okay I will . He grabs his phone instead of us two fighting over it I'll just call him and invite him over are ya comfortable with it ? I think you guys should talk to honestly. Ashley- why would we need to talk ? Andrew- you got feelings for him and he feels the same . Ashley- maybe a little bit but I don't know If it's a good idea to tell him about my feelings for him it's gonna get in his head . And you'll lose him as a friend. Andrew- babe i just want to work this out . Ashley- okay me too I hate fighting with you just call him I'll be in the shower if you need me . I give him a kiss on the cheek then go take a nice hot shower 🚿. Andrew called up joe and invited him over to talk with him bout his feelings. I'm in the shower blasting hunter Hayes music all the way up high . Joe came over - hey bro haven't seen you in months welcome back home how's things going? Did you hear about that virus outbreak? Andrew- yeah that's why I'm home besides the fact that my daughter has a broken leg ash took her down to the hospital last night and the doctor said it should heel up by the end of the month hopefully. Joe - that's great news to hear uh so we're is Ashley speaking of her ? Andrew laughs- uh she's taking a shower hunter Hayes is playing you can't hear it ? I swear she's more obsessed with hunter Hayes then me . Joe laughed- I would definitely agree with ya on that . So what do you wanna talk to me about? . Andrew- it's about what happened when I was stuck in Japan 🇯🇵. Joe - oh okay. Andrew- did you come to my house and tell Ashley that you still love her and ya gave her roses 🌹. Joe - uh yeah right I was ...I was gonna tell ya about that day I guess I just sorta forgot about it . I have no clue if she has feelings for me but I'd hope so ...don't kill me please. Andrew- well I think you guys need to talk when she gets out of the shower but please don't ever do that behind my back if ya like her love her like she's my girlfriend like bro if ya want advice move on with life . Joe - no offense to you but you haven't really been there for her that's why she broke up with you remember? Andrew- yeah and I grew up I'm no longer a shitty boyfriend I'm the best and I'm a dad now . Joe- okay then why are ya hanging out with amber behind Ashley's back ? I see ya two work out at the gym together I'm also friends with her so she tells me she hangs out with you and believe me she never shuts up about ya. She says she's over ya to Ashley I think it's a lie . Andrew- working out together isn't cheating and I leave the gym before she bugs me so I don't get why my girlfriend would have a issue with it . Joe - because u work out together. I don't go to the gym and work out with my ex girlfriend she hates me now . Andrew- yeah well amber hates me for dating Ashley yet she still is up My butt every time I go workout so I just let her join so she leaves me alone . If ya think that's a case of cheating then you're messed up in the head . I hop outta the shower and I get dressed but all of the sudden I'm throwing up . Joe - wait shut up for a minute do you hear that ? Is someone throwing up? Andrew- yeah I don't think it would be ash but uh savanna and Matt are upstairs asleep again so it's probably ash I'll be right back bro he gets up to walk into the bathroom and noticed me throwing up . Andrew don't come in I said shutting the toilet seat you don't need to see this . Andrew- babe what's going on ? He holds my hair up for me and puts it in a phony tail . He's got sisters faint got for it because he's good at painting my nails or curling hair or putting my hair up in a phony tail whenever I need him to . Ashley- maybe it's just something I ate this morning idk . Andrew text joe - dude go buy me a pregnancy test hurry up . Joe text back - is she okay in there ? Andrew- no she's sick or something can ya just go plz ? Joe text - yeah brb I'll go buy her a few tests bye 👋. Andrew- thanks appreciate it bro . Joe - no problem bro . Joe leaves and goes to the store 🏬. He parked and got out of the car and once he's in the store he's picking out the pregnancy tests for me . But then his ex girlfriend and my boyfriend ex walk in the store and spotted him . Kelly - hey amber what's joe doing ?!!!! Amber smiled - he's definitely getting some pregnancy test for some girl he definitely got pregnant. Kelly - but we just broke up a few days ago it doesn't make any sense at all if you think about it . Amber - we could definitely spy on him . Kelly- great idea bestie ! Let's just follow his car and see what chicks house he shows up at . Amber - I know I'm a genius let's go . They wait in their car and when joe left they followed him to our house 🏡. Kelly - why is he at Ashley and Andrews house ? Amber - I feel dumb now Ashley is pregnant with Andrews kid . Kelly - or Andrew is still on base wherever and Ashley ls a cheater ...if that's the case then you definitely need to speak to Andrew at the gym next time you go there . Amber - it's gonna be hard he runs out the door to avoid me . Kelly - joe Does the same thing to me. Amber - he's got a crush on her wonder if Andrew knows about it . Kelly- lets go before we're busted . Amber drives away - woah this is crazy if she cheats on him then he's going to come running back to me . Kelly - dream on girl ! . Lol 😂. It seems Kelly disagrees with her . Kelly - you're definitely crazy if that's what you really think will happen. Amber - why are we bffs remind me again oh right it's so you can afford to get your nails done 💅 without me as a bestie you'd be probably lost and end up looking like a snail 🐌 like Ashley. Kelly - you're a bitch just take me back home . Amber - whatever troll face . She drops Kelly off at home see u later troll face ! Amber laughed driving off . When joe came back to our house I took the test and we all were shocked when it came out ...I'm not gonna say anything till the next chapter sorry guys if ya wonder what Ashley test said then guess you should keep on reading 📖 bye

Meanwhile at Kelly's house 🏡.......

Kelly's mom- nice friend you hang out with whys she call ya troll face ?! .

Kelly sighs - hey mom no welcome home or anything gee thanks so much!

Kelly's mom - is your boyfriend coming over today hunny ?!

Kelly - mom joe broke up with me he's In love with his ex girlfriend Ashley.

Kelly's mom looked shocked - why didn't you tell me about this breakup?

Kelly - you know mom some things in my life are meant to keep a secret! I have a lot of homework to do it's called painting nails so if ya need me I'll be in My bedroom don't cook that horrible soup you always make . You're grounded young lady her mom says .

Kelly - it's not like I'm gonna go clothes shopping anytime soon Amber is crazy asf and trying to get back together with Ashley's boyfriend aka her ex boyfriend so like I said I will be upstairs in my room night mom sweet dreams I can order a pizza for dinner !!!

Lol 😂 yup Kelly is never nice to her mother and amber is just as meant .....

Ambers house 🏡........

Amber - mother I'm home are you home ?! Opens up the fridge gets a coke .

Ambers mom - hi wanna come get some piles of wood outside with me ?

Amber - no thanks mom I think ya can handle it just fine on your own I don't want to chip a nail . That would be traffic since nail places are shutting down in America now .

Amber mom cuts her off- okay then kiss you're credit card bye bye for the rest of the year less you want to risk chipping ya nails and help me with the piles of wood now !

Amber - mom you can't take away my credit card dad got it for me not you !

Ambers mom - a simple phone call to your father tho and bye bye card it is .

Amber - fine I'll grab the stupid wood but your paying for me to get a nail machine!

Ambers mom- get a job amber like maybe go work on a horse farm a few days .

Amber- are ya kidding me ? I hate horses I wouldn't be caught dead at a horse farm .

Ambers mom - well don't give me anymore issues and I won't send ya away to one .

Amber - you're bluffing . You don't even know anybody who has a horse farm !

Amber mom - you're aunt does so wanna keep back talking me amber my patience Is running dry with you . Grow up right now and lose this bitch of a attitude or you pack your stuff and move onto the horse farm or ranch as it's actually called . She left and amber is left alone to carry wood inside. Lol 😂. Amber dropped wood on her foot ow son of a b. She shouted . Ambers mom was making a cup of coffee Laughing at her .

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