Nothing last 4 ever 🥀🥀🥀

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Chapter 34...........

The next day it's time for savanna to go to school when the school bus dropped her off at school there's only two people who she didn't want to see Matt and Macey but there they were hand and hand together. It hurt to watch . Macey noticed savanna obviously but she didn't want to talk to her - hey babe do ya want to walk me to class since it's our last day together and graduation is Tomorrow? She winked at savanna. Savanna glares at her a nasty look and swings her backpack around over her shoulder and stomped off down the hallway. Matt - maybe later on there's something I have to do bye I'm sorry . He takes off after savanna. Macey - Matthew get back here and walk me to my class !!!! She screamed after him . Savanna went to her locker and slammed it open hard. Hey ! Watch it ! This really cute guy says glaring at her . Savanna didn't notice him till now and he's cute alright black hair and green eyes and she couldn't stop glaring at him . I am so sorry I didn't see you there she says as she's tossing her bag into her locker she then shuts it . He smiled at her - it's no problem. I'm new here . Savanna- welcome to our school but uh I'm a senior . He was shocked - really you don't look like a senior to me ? They both laugh. Savanna- I appreciate that compliment. Matt - hey savanna!!!! Can we chat for a minute please?! The new kid - I'm Ethan by the way who's that guy you're boyfriend or something? Savanna- he's my ex boyfriend actually I'm sorry I uh should probably go talk to him . The new kid - okay nice to meet you while it lasted ! He walked away. Savanna- what do you want ? Matt - I'm sorry let me make it up to you !!! Savanna- are ya serious right now? Matt this is strike two for you already you're on a nice layout of thin ice . So you know what I've got to say to you ? Skate to stay above the ice cold water . And with that she walks away . Matt kicked the lockers - savanna!!!!!!!!! Macey - babe there you are I've been looking all over school for you let's get to class !!!! She grabbed his arm and walked with him to class . Matt wasn't very happy right now. He texted her this - I know I am I'm so sorry 😐. Sent . Hopefully his new girlfriend doesn't see his text to savanna as he put his phone away to hide it from her. Together they went to class . Savanna was sitting at her desk when they walked past her and she said - hey Matt stop texting me I hate you. Her classmates knew they broke up and all hate Matt of course they laughed at him . Macey - why was my boyfriend texting you ? Savanna- why don't you ask him that hunny ? After all he wants me and not you !!!!!! . The students kept laughing till the teacher says - class settle down and Macey and uh savanna chill out and have a seat . Savanna- I was already sitting before she bugged me sorry my bad . Teacher - savanna lose your attitude. Macey smirked before taking a seat behind her . Bitch savanna says under her breathe . Macey - speak up a bit louder so our classmates can hear what you just called me savanna. Savanna- okay gladly I said that your a bitch . Matt - both of ya cut the crap. Teacher - how about detention both of u . Savanna- I apologize for her behalf sir I'm just minding my own business and being near her kinda sucks because I'm trying to pay attention to the front of the classroom but she keeps on running her mouth. Teacher - Macey just leave my class please!!!!!!! . Macey gets up - gladly sir I hate this freakin class after all. Bye losers she stomped off . Matt - savanna why did you throw me underneath the bus like that ? Savanna- you're a freakin Cheater and you're just pathetic so stop talking to me . Matt - glad we broke up you're the real b....she gets up and shouts - don't you finish that sentence or I'll kill ya ! Teacher - you ! Get out of my class to ! Get out ! Savanna- whatever this class sucks !!! .

When savanna gets back home 🏡 after school 🏫.........

Ashley- savanna you're in big trouble young lady what's happening at school?! You're teacher just called Your father and I and I'm not very happy with you right now at all .

Savanna drops her bag on the floor- mom nice to see you to I'm not going to have this conversation with you right now I'm really not in the freakin mood to get yelled at ! .

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