Swimming with the sharks 🦈🦈🦈🦈

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Chapter 8.............
I was just relaxing on the couch and when I went to turn my phone on I had new messages from joe . Joe- hey I am sorry about the way Kelly has been treating ya ash can you stop blowing me off I don't know if it's because of her or if you're on vacation still in bora bora with your family having a blast without me but hope I hear from you soon . He's so worried about me it seems like he really cares for me but I'm on a family vacation I shouldn't be talking to my ex boyfriend while on this vacation and next up ls Hawaii. I'm just super excited about Hawaii more then being here honestly. Savanna- oh my god mom we're definitely doing this ! Just look at this ! Swimming with wild pigs ! Ashley- instead of swimming with sharks I'm definitely down . Andrew- what's this I'm hearing about pigs guys ?. I knew he'd ease drop on our conversation. Savanna shows him her cell phone- we wanna go do this instead of swimming with sharks. Ashley- you're not swimming under water and getting sea weed in ya hair or with sharks that bite or kill you !!! Andrew sighs - I'm very disappointed in ya savanna and ya to babe I love ya both I wanna keep you guys safe but ya know what suck it up and face ya fear of the deep blue ocean and sharks ! It's not like we'll be swimming with great whites !!!he can't be serious right? He wants to go swimming with sharks different kinds !

Savanna rolled her eyes at him - swimming with sharks would actually make a super cool Instagram picture not gonna lie but sane thing with these piggies!!!

Ashley- I'd rather have my fingers chopped off by a pig vs getting taken under water and eaten alive by a shark . I don't care if it's a hammerhead shark or a bull shark I'm definitely not getting in the water with any kinda shark . Sorry .

Savanna laughs- I'm scared of sharks to but honestly I'd do it like I said before it would be a very cool Instagram picture and my friends would definitely agree !!!

Andrew- that's the spirit! You definitely take after your dad and I'm so proud of you . Ashley rolls her eyes - you're both gonna give me bad anxiety I'm definitely not going swimming with sharks . Andrew- savanna are you ready to leave soon Becca I'm fed up with fighting with your mom about this shark swimming crap !

Savanna laughs- sharks won't attack you less it's a bull or great white and that's facts if we're swimming with hammers then we're definitely going to be safe !!!!! Although a great white also lives at the bottom of the ocean . She smirked at me I shake my head not saying anything. Andrew - we're already in bora bora might as well do some crazy things. Ashley- you're obviously trying to get me killed!!!! I gave him the death look . Andrew- amber would not be scared to go dive with me surrounded by a bunch of sharks . Savanna- really dad ? Ashley- do you wanna invite her to bora bora then ! I screamed at him slamming the bedroom door shut I can hear savanna saying - great job dad now she's definitely not going!!! I will meet you in the car . She left the house and went to go sit in the car. I'm so angry 😤 whys he speaking about his ex like he misses her . My stomach hurts . I am getting a not easy feeling like I'm gonna throw up. Andrew- unlock the door ! We need to talk about this ! He pounds on the door . Ashley- you clearly missed her I'm not a idiot and you hung out with her at the gym before this vacation!!!!!!

Andrew- I'm definitely not into her you're letting your sister get into ya head . I'm sick and tired of this lets have fun while we're on vacation please come !!!!

Ashley yelled at him - say you really want me to come and maybe I will go !

Andrew- babe I love you and I really badly want you to come ! Our daughter is scared of sharks and she's willing to go dive with them with us as a family !!!!!!!

Ashley comes outta the bedroom- okay but I'm more scared of sharks it's been a fear of mine since I was little. I love you to by the way but I wanna be safe and it doesn't seem safe . He kissed me to probably calm my nerves down- babe I'm not gonna let anything happen to you . Get in the car and let's go plz . I nod and walk out the door 🚪. He owes me cookie dough ice cream now . Savanna- hey mom ! Ready to face your biggest fear ? Ashley- nope but guess were in this together!!!!

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