were engaged 💍💍💍

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Chapter 30................

The next day I decided to throw another party and I wasn't really excited to have both joe and kelsie in the same room together but if they are no longer hooking up I don't see what the issue is . I'm engaged and that's a big thing like how's joe going handle it ? He showed up at my house and admitted he loves me yet he freakin kisses my best friend?! He's acting like Chris my other ex boyfriend and I really don't appreciate it . It's not ok to do behind my back . I'm kinda mad still not gonna lie . Andrew- babe are you okay? . Ashley- why wouldn't I be okay? I'm just setting the tables up . Andrew- babe let me do it you're setting up the forks the wrong way . Ashley- hunny it's fine don't worry about it I'll be fine . Andrew- really? Because I'm uncomfortable with both of them together in the same room to I'm sure I'm not the only one . Ashley- i agree it's gonna be awkward but when is it not awkward in my friend group? Andrew- I feel like you're friends like to start drama up . Ashley- yeah some of my friends do but I try to stay outta that drama ! My friends showed up and we all just went swimming since it's summer time and we can now . Andrew- hey babe don't get your ring wet in the water . Ashley- do you want it and you can go set it on the kitchen counter ? I asked him as I am taking it off or about to take it off then my best friends noticed it . Nate - oh my god shut up your engaged!! Anna - ash congratulations I'm so happy for you guys ! David- it's about time you had a normal relationship. Cody and Mitch laughed 🤭. Ashley- David shut up . Mitch - ash ! Congratulations I'm happy for you. Cody - my bestie is growing up he fake cries . I'm so glad my friends are happy for me and here cone joe and kelsie is right behind him and Jake and Taylor of course they r late with eve . Nate - guys ash has big news to tell ya !!! Kelsie - what's this big news he's talking about? Joe - yeah I'm getting nervous now . I would love to know eve says sitting in David's Lap since he's her boyfriend after all . Jake - what's that on you're finger ? Ashley- I'm engaged ! Congratulations Jake says . Taylor - yeah ash congratulations that's crazy . Eve - awe no way congratulations!!!!!!! Joe - how's this great news ?! What ? ! Kelsie- congratulations guys . She doesn't look happy at all even tho she's being nice for once . Ashley- joe are you okay? Wanna go talk or something? Andrew- I'll put ya ring in our bedroom give me it babe . I give him the ring and then say I'll be right back guys . Joe followed me into the backyard- you need to stop and think about what you're doing ash it's not a good idea to get married to him I feel like he only did it because he's having a son with you finally and he's happy about it and doesn't want you single clearly. Ashley- I think you're wrong about him and this reason joe . And he's you're best friend. Joe - you're my best friend actually not him so I'll come right out and say it to you I hate this guy . Ashley- wait what so you're just like pretending to be friends with him for me ? Joe- yes I don't want ya to get upset about it and I don't want to ruin your relationship but just think about it before u say I do okay.

Ashley- I can't believe you have the nerve to say that to me behind my boyfriends back joe . Joe - ash I'm sorry I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or even his but like I can't keep up a fake act anymore and pretend I like him for you when I wanna be with you .

Ashley- yeah I don't believe you actually want to be with me because you went behind my own back and you made out with my friend well my ex best friend who's starting to be my friend again. Like you're destroying our friendship we're trying to build back up .

Joe - kelsie is doing that to herself by kissing me I never kissed her first she's boy crazy like I'm not trying to trash talk bad things about her but didn't she admit that to you ?

Ashley- nope she did however say that it was just a hookup no feelings are still attached.

Joe - okay so if no feelings are attached then maybe you should stop screaming at us over it and stop being jealous because it definitely doesn't look good on you when you are now engaged to Andrew and acting jealous towards girls I used to talk to but don't .

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