The car accident 🚗🚙🚗

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Chapter 28..........

When Andrew got to the car crash he made sure savanna was okay before speaking to the cops about the crash . Savanna told the Ems people that her neck hurt a bit but she was okay other then that so they convinced her to go to the hospital and get it looked at since it's a serious injury. Andrew asked cop - officer hi I'm savannas dad can you tell me what happened? The cop - hi sir yes savanna was driving at a green light when the car from the other side of the road didn't notice their light to turn was red and they hit her car head on she's honestly lucky to be alive . Andrew looks at the glass to the cars 🚗 his heart races up a bit - is the other driver okay? The cop - yes he's gonna be fine just a hurt knee and you're daughters neck hurts so she's gonna go to the hospital if you'd like to meet the ambulance at the hospital it's leaving soon . Andrew- thanks sir for your help and I will be on my way there now . The ambulance took off with savanna in it . And Andrew got in his car and followed it there . When they got there Ashley was at the hospital waiting for them . The ambulance pulled up. Andrew jumps out of his car and races by her side - hey savanna I'm right here. Savanna- dad I don't wanna die young ! Andrew- you've just got a neck injury everything's thing okay. Ashley- savanna! She saw them wheel her stretcher into the hospital and rush her down the hallway so she ran with them beside the stretcher . Are you okay?! Savanna- mom I'm fine my neck hurts . I'll live according to dad we're is Matt ? She asked us . Ashley- I'll call him . She steps out of the room they put savanna into . Matt - hello ? Ashley- Matt were are ya? Matt - I am swimming at my dads house he's got a pool I invited savanna over why what's up ? Ashley- well get dressed and come to the hospital right now savanna was in a car crash. Matt - okay I'm coming right now bye he hung up the phone and got dressed very fast . Then he grabs his car keys and speeds off to the hospital 🏥. But before he showed up savanna gets a very weird text from her bff missy from school- hey heard ya are in the hospital are you okay? Anyway you're probably under some heavy duty medication or something there but I wanted to tell ya that I drove by your boyfriends house and some girls car was outside and he was talking to her it kinda looked like they were flirting . I don't want to worry you but get well soon. Savanna- I just got a weird message from a friend saying there's a girl at my boyfriends house. Andrew raised a eyebrow- really? . Savanna- yeah he's lucky I can't feel my neck right now. Ashley- hey sweetie I just got off the phone with your boyfriend he said that he ....she cut me off fast and looked so angry- I hope he's not coming here ! Mom you invited him here ! He's a cheater don't involve him here just call him back and say I'm okay or something I don't want to see him . Ashley- hunny are you sure ? How do ya know he's cheating on you ? Savanna- I just know him ! He's got a crush on this new girl at school and missy says she caught them together at his house . Ashley- hunny he told me he's swimming at his dads !!!!! Savanna- he better have been swimming at his dads ! Andrew- guess we will see when he gets here . An hour later of savanna eating gross hospital food and playing cards he showed up with flowers In Hand and knocked on her door- hey babe how are you ?! I heard the news from your mom . Savanna looks pissed - hi . Matt - are you okay babe ? Savanna- I don't know why you're even here right now I didn't invite you here did I ?! Matt sets the flowers by her bed - you're actually freakin me out did you hit ya head it's me you're boyfriend remember me ! Savanna- don't touch me plz ! Matt - uh guys can I have a second alone to talk to her he asked us . Andrew and I of course agreed and went to the cafeteria to grab a coffee ☕️. Savanna- seriously can you leave ?! Matt - don't be rude savanna what's up with you! Savanna- you're hanging out with girls behind my back that's my issue . Matt - babe I've got no clue what you're talking about however my cousins a girl and she was at my house earlier I was outside speaking to her before I left for my dads ..Look my hairs wet I was at my dad's swimming alone I wasn't with girls ! Savanna- pinky swear ! She holds out her pinky . Matt - what are we 12 ? She screamed a bit louder - pinky swear right now! Matt - okay shhh babe people are asleep in here ! He pinky swears to her . Savanna- good that makes me feel better. Matt - missy told u I'm guessing makes sense. Savanna laughs - I'm gonna kill her . Matt - ya almost killed me . So what happened tell me. So savanna told him about the car accident and Ashley and Andrew walk back into the room . Andrew- Matt are you cheating on my daughter because if so I'll snap ya neck . Matt - I'm not sir her friend just thought I was she saw my cousin at my house. Andrew- she better be ya cousin ! Ashley- ok why don't we go on home and Matt can stay here with her and bring her home we will just come here if the doctor won't let her leave . Andrew- okay fine by me . Savanna- fine by me too dad . Matt - I'll take good care of her . Ashley- thanks Matt bye . Andrew and I left in our cars we drove separately here . When we got home we took a nap together. Hours later Matt Called us and said to get some rest because savanna would be staying overnight there . He offered to stay there with her . So we agreed and went to bed 🛌 and the following day savanna came home with Matt . Her neck was just bruised according to doctors . I am very lucky that nothing worse happened. We watched movies and made popcorn 🍿 and Matt Cooked her cookies 🍪 I definitely stole some I was hungry don't hate on me .

Andrew- babe stop taking savannas cookies her boyfriend baked those for her .

Ashley takes a big bite outta a sugar one - but there so yummy and delicious 😋.

Andrew- I'm gonna go to the gym and work out with joe it's going to be awkward.

Ashley- okay have a wonderful time babe I'll be here getting fat stuffing my face .

Andrew- very funny but today I was thinking you should come with me babe .

Ashley- uh I'd rather burry myself alive then hang out with joe right now sorry .

Andrew rolls his eyes at me - I wasn't really asking your going to the gym babe .

Ashley- uh I'll do whatever the hell I wanna do thank you very very much babe.

Andrew- fine but you're coming tomorrow then because you gotta stay in shape .

Ashley- yes I know I'm trying to walk and work out every single day babe Bye .

Andrew kisses her - bye I'll miss you feel better savanna I'll be home later on .

End of this chapter let's see what happens at the horse barn now with amber .

Next chapter. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️💘💘💘💘. Let's go ! Chapter 29! I'm making this book up to chapter 50 case you all were wondering. Enjoy my books and what kind of books do my fans want me to make next drop some great ideas in the commets below

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