Pregnat or not ??🤰🤰🤰

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Chapter 41............

The next morning we woke up and packed me a hospital bag and got a snack for the road and savanna wanted to come so she joined us . Andrew drove us to the hospital. When we got there though because of corona savanna and Andrew couldn't come in . I tried begging the nurse to say yes though but it wasn't working. Ashley- I'm afraid of shots and blood work I'll faint I told the nurse . Nurse - it's just a pinch you've got this . Ashley- do you have water I can drink ? I am freaking out walking into the hospital with the nurse . Nurse laughed- of course dear there's nothing to worry about when it comes to needles you'll be a pro it in no time. It's just a shot . She gets me a glass of ice water . Here drink up . I grab it and thank her as I'm being led to my room we're my hospital bed is . Nurse - I'll be right back here's a cup pee in it whenever you've to go pee and I'll take it to the lab . I just sat down on the bed nervously and nod my head yes I can tell my nurse hates her job . She's kinda rude . I texted Andrew- I just got inside the room . Love you let me know how it goes he text me savanna says good luck . Ashley- thanks I definitely will I'm nervous. Andrew- i know I doubt you're gonna faint tho during blood work it's just a pinch . Ashley- hopefully not but if I do they better get you're butt to me or I'm gonna sue them . Andrew laughs - babe relax don't stress over things everything will be fine I'll come pick you up at the door when You're done . I gotta pee after I have drank a gallon of water . I stop texting Andrew and go use the bathroom I pee into cup then i wash my hands after with soap and water. Then I go sit down on the bed and beep the button and the nurse comes in - hi I'll go test this be right back or the doctor will be in . Ashley- okay thanks I say . I lay there for what felt like hours till knock knock knock . The doctor came in to speak to me about how I've been feeling. Doctor - hello !!! How are you this morning Ashley ? I smile at her - I've been better I was throwing up the other night and had a positive pregnancy test so my fiancé brought me up here this morning. Doctor - okay and how many did you take ? Ashley- two . Doctor - what did the second one say ? Ashley- it also said pregnant on it . Doctor- then you probably are but let's run test and do blood work. She took a needle out . Ashley- wait uh could I call my fiancé and talk to him while you're sticking that in my arm I hate blood work . She smiled at me- sure . She gets needle ready . Ps guys don't judge me on pregnancy parts of this book I have no clue what happens to pregnant women when they visit the ER !! It's a made up book 📚. I FaceTime Andrew and we talked as the doctor gave me shots . One in each arm . Ok you're all done . I'll bring it to the lab and tomorrow morning you will get a call yes or no okay you're free to go the nurse will come get you in a wheel chair right now. Ashley- okay thanks . Babe drive around the back of the hospital come get me i said on FaceTime still with him and savanna. Andrew- I'm coming right now.

He drove to the back of the hospital and the nurse brings me out in the wheelchair. Andrew- how do you feel ? He asked me as the nurse helps me into the car . I sat up front and savanna got in the back . Savanna- yeah mom did you black out cold ?!!!! .

The nurse - I heard she did very good have a nice day you guys bye bye she said .

Ashley rolled her eyes at nurse - it was hell being trapped in there wearing a mask .

Savanna laughed - yeah I bet you're sweating. Where you nervous about the shots ?

Ashley- is it really that obvious? I asked her . Andrew- glad you survived come on let's go home before you faint . Savanna Hands me water and I drank it all because I am all sweaty and i couldn't wait to go home and relax and on way home I got Starbucks!!!!!!!

When we pulled up into my driveway there's my bestie Kayla waiting for me .

Ashley gets out of the car - hi Kayla! When did ya get to my house I shouted at her .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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