A few months go by 💙💙💙

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Chapter 25.........

Okay so it's been a few months now and my baby bump is getting bigger . In fact it's now big enough to know what the gender of the baby is . I'm at the doctors with my best friend joe because Andrew won't be home for a few more days . The doctor walked in - hi how are you guys today ? Joe - I'm good . Ashley- I'm good to . Doctor- are you the babies dad ? Joe nearly choked on his water he was drinking- no I'm not . Ashley- the babies dad is in Afghanistan right now serving our country he's definitely missing out this is my best friend. The doctor- oh well it's nice of him to take ya to get a check up . And tell your boyfriend I said congratulations and thanks for serving our country. Ok now let's check on this baby . Ashley- okay so today can we find out the gender or no ? I ask laying down as she rubs my belly with whatever it's called I forgot what it's called . I lay there and hold joes hand a bit nervous. The doctor- it's a boy . Ashley- wait really!!! I freak out. How can ya tell ? The doctor then explains how she can tell it's a boy before she sends me on my way home 🏡. After the appointment joe and I went back home I want to tell Andrew so bad but I just can't . I want to go outside and scream at the top of my lungs that it's a boy ! I'm super happy it's a boy . I'm definitely naming him Grayson. Now my bff Kayla is at my house 🏡 and we're gonna go baby shopping we wave by to my best friend joe as he's pulling out of my driveway he says - bye congratulations have fun shopping. Ashley- thanks for coming with me bro bye ! Thanks ! I waved to him and Kayla asked - did you seriously go with joe to ya babies appointment? That's a bad move but nice of him to take you . Ashley- get in the car Kayla I'm not in the mood for you're little speech when I'm happy right now. Kayla unlocks her car - fine let's go I thought ya were in a bad mood. Ashley- not after what news I just found out. Kayla- twins ? That wouldn't be great news tho . Ashley- I'm not pregnant with twins the gender is a boy ! Kayla- oh no what if he ends up like my younger brother she laughs . Ashley- I'm now entering a flashback thanks for that . Kayla- you're welcome. Ashley- when he took a peace of gum and put it in my hair . Kayla laughs- he did it to me after you left and he left two peace's in my hair unlike you ! I burst into laughter. Kayla- get in the car silly . I get into the car with Kayla and off we go baby shopping. Kayla- so do you know what his names gonna be ? Ashley- Grayson lay then my last name obviously duh . Kayla laughs - I'd hope that if you're the one pushing him out that he's got ya last name . He's gonna be embarrassed to go to school with his middle name being a potato chip name tho do ya not agree with me ? Ashley laughs - nope I disagree you're just overthinking things. I think she's mad at me oh well it's not her kid . Kayla shakes her head - next you're both gonna get a puppy together and name it potato right ? Ashley- again overthinking it !!! . I laughed. Kayla and I park at the baby shop then get out we're buying him baby clothes that's all we need for now . Won't need the big things till Andrews's home I'll get him to buy those things . I FaceTime mom and show her the clothes. Mom - awe so adorable!!! Good thing I'm not with you I'd buy it all . I laugh - that's true ya definitely would mom .

Kayla- I'm tempted to just buy you everything in this store right now. Ashley- you're not a million air Kayla don't do that . I joke . Kayla- you're not fun to go shopping with ash . Mom - talk to ya later sweetie bye . Bye mom I said and she hung up. Then Andrew calls me and I quickly pick up- hey babe how's Afghanistan? Andrew- it's good but I miss you and savanna and little Grayson did you buy him clothes? Kayla at the check out for me buying the clothes we picked out for him . Ashley- yeah Kayla is paying for them wait I never told ya it was a boy how'd you know? Andrew- I just guessed babe don't be mad . Ashley- did kelsie tell you ?! Have you been talking to her ! Andrew- kelsie probably has no clue you're pregnant chill out I gtg I love you. Ashley- okay bye love you more babe !! Kayla- he's got a point ash . Ashley sighs - I hate this now I can't surprise him he already knew it's a boy just by guessing he's so smart . Kayla- yeah so anyway I need to talk with you I'm thinking about getting back together with my ex boyfriend. Ashley- not Zach !!! He's a idiot for going back with brook ! Kayla - no I'm gonna go to Hawaii and get my mans . Ashley- are ya talking about Caleb ?! He's in Hawaii right now! I don't like him . Kayla- you should totally come with me even tho you're pregnant. Ashley- that's not a good idea Kayla and you're crazy . Kayla- I'm pranking you I'm not gonna do that ash . Ashley- I don't think I believe you . Kayla- okay whatever I'm over my ex boyfriend but you're definitely not so fess up girlie you and joe definitely are getting closer ever since you're boyfriend went to Afghanistan again. Ashley- he's a close friend idk what to tell you . Kayla- so you're not going to tell me I'm wrong ? Ashley - we're closer but not like boyfriend and girlfriend type of thing if you get my drift . Kayla- I don't believe you at all girlie. Ashley- okay well you can think whatever you want I really don't give a shit !! Kayla- god relax ! I'm messing with you! Snapping turtle 🐢 . Ashley- whatever girlie. Get me out of this dam car . We're driving back to my house 🏡 and when we pulled up into the driveway I got out and grabbed my baby clothes bye thanks for the ride girlie! Kayla- bye tell joe and Andrew I say hi she speeds off down the road what a show off !

When I walked into the house savanna greeted me with her boyfriend Matt of course. Hey mom so what's the baby gender? Please say girl ! Ashley- it's a boy you're going to have a little brother . Savanna- I wish I was old enough to drink I'm gonna go hang out in my room let's go babe . Matt - congratulations ash . Ashley- thanks least someone Is happy about it . He followed her upstairs to her room. Joe text me- congratulations! I heard from your mans it's a boy . Ashley- yeah he already knew I didn't even tell him !

Joe texted me - awe but you didn't get to surprise him yet ! That must suck ! I know he's being a sarcastic asshole . Ashley- very funny I gtg bye maybe I'll see you later though. I like hanging out with joe but if I'm gonna be hanging out a lot more with him I need to not catch feelings after all I got a daughter a son on the way and a boyfriend who could turn into my husband any day now . Yes I'm still waiting for him to pop the big will you marry me? Question that every girl who's not been single for over 4 years wants to hear their boyfriends ask them . I'd definitely say yes . Andrew called me and we just video chatted all night long till we fell asleep in bed and of course I showed him the clothes!

In the morning time when I woke up...........

Andrew vid calling me - hey beautiful I've got amazing news for you ! Ashley- what's you're amazing news for me? I asked . Andrew- I'm coming home earlier like tonight.

Ashley- is this a prank ? Andrew laughed - I'm not a YouTuber like you baby . It's not a prank so pick me up at the airport. Ashley- I am so happy right now next doctor visit u get to come to ! Andrew- I know I'm super excited I talked to joe . Ashley- that's good ! I'm glad they both get along . I basically made myself coffee while I chatted with my bf and then savanna cane running downstairs and stole the phone and her and Matt had a chat with him . Andrew- hi Matt hi savanna what's been going on? Matt- I took her on some dates while you've been gone but other than that nothing much . Savanna- yeah that's basically all we do go on dates and then come home and I found out that I'll be a older sister obviously to a little boy . I really want a sister but whatever . Andrew- I'm sure you'll warm up to him . Savanna- yeah as long as he doesn't look like an alien 👽.

Andrew laughed - sweetie you're overthinking about it he's not going to look like a ..ok maybe just a bit after all babies do seem to come out that way when their born you're not wrong . Savanna- and babies smell weird to . Matt - you don't want a baby one day ? Savanna- um no ! Matt laughed - okay you'll change your mind when you see how cute all of the babies in the hospital are when I show ya can't wait . Savanna- I'm 16 and so are you why do you think about babies at a time like this ?! Matt - I want kids in the future! Savanna- then get a brand new girlfriend buddy boy . Matt - maybe I will !!! I am kidding please don't hit me. Savanna- dad I gtg I'll talk to you later . Andrew- okay bye enough baby talk both of ya . Beep . Yup he's definitely mad . Savanna- ya definitely just freaked out my dad . Matt - he's got two kids whys he care if I want kids in the ..she cut him off- I'm not having a talk about babies with you right now or ever shut up plz ! She runs upstairs away from him and he chases her babe come here don't be mad at me right now! Stop! I've had enough baby talk to so I decided to lock myself in my room and sleep till it's time to go get Andrew from the airport. Hours later I woke up . Shit I need to go leave right now to get him I tell savanna I'm leaving to get dad and then I get my car keys and I'm out the door. I drove to the airport as quickly as possible. Andrew is landing soon and I gotta beat his airplane there . I pulled up to the side of the curb . And I waited for him . A few minutes later he's shoving his bags into my car - hey babe . Ashley- hey babe love you need help ? Andrew- I got it you let me drive home . I get out of the driver seat and kiss him you're the best . Andrew kisses me - I missed you a lot !!! Hmmm wonder how his ex girlfriend is doing on a horse ranch right now lol 😂 while I am living my pregnant life with my boyfriend who just got home from Afghanistan 🇦🇫.

Hmmm I wonder to well keep reading to find out Ashley army bye for now 👋👋👋.

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