25. Yoonmin?

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The relaxing pitter patter of the clouds pouring like leaking faucets, melodious chirping of the birdies who had constructed their nests sneakily on the balcony of the abandoned adjacent apartment and the gentle burbling of the boiling soup on the stove were the only sounds that filled the room that evening.

But similar wasn't the case in jungkook's brain that was almost like a giant library where there is so much information that your head starts spinning. Where even the mildest whispers get amplified into enormous booms of a barrel drum. Where it's so silent, it's deafening.

He looked out the kitchen window as the raindrops collected themselves on the leaf of the tree on the roadside, turning the green slightly more vibrant, while absentmindedly stirring the soup in the pot. Only thing running in his mind were the activities of last night with Taehyung.

How thier tongues had danced together to the beats of their hearts, their legs tangled with each other like a braided rope, their hands intertwined like missing puzzle pieces that only longed to be put into place, severely dishevelled hair sprawled- one's on the pillow and the other's on the forehead of his roommate when he lay on top of him, thoracic skin that rubbed against the other to reimburse for the heat that was shed with their fabrics just a few moments prior.

Breathy whimpers and heavy exhales that came out of the other's lips still played in his ears like a broken record and the more he thought about it the more he found himself reliving the blissful moments. But also simultaneously got reminded of the moment how it ended, not on a very good note, that is.

He had promised himself he wouldn't slip again, no matter how addictive those soft pink lips were, no matter how much the lean long fingers filled provided warmth to the cheeks when they held them, no matter how demanding those bambi brown eyes were in the moment, he had promised himself he wouldn't slip again. But guess what? He did.

He was angry at himself maybe, or maybe the beautiful human he lives with but all he knew that something in the synapes of his neural endings short circuited when he heard the words that were once his own idea but now he loathed with every single fibre of his body.

He had given everything of himself in the kiss like he always does. Put forth his vulnerability in front of the other like he always does. Let himself be carried away with the waves of want and need, love and lust, demand and surrender all at once like he always does. And the other just shattered his glass heart with his wrecking ball of repeating words, like he always does.

Jungkook's always kinda been proud for how he handles situations. How there are very countable moments when his anger gets the best of him. He wanted to snap, maybe punch the other, maybe cry in his lap, maybe ask him why he keeps doing this if he doesn't want it, if wants to "forget it". But he was better than to loose his cool once he's already faced at the horror of a trailer for having to live without the other. So he didn't snap, but he clearly made it evident that he also wouldn't let this pass everytime.

When the dreaded words left the mouth of Taehyung after jungkook had reluctantly pulled away from their steamy make out session, he did give the other a ckear look of hurt and disbelief before snatching his shirt and walking out of the other's room. He heard his name being called and a few knocks on his doors before it all went to how jungkook's brain is now, dead silent.

Taehyung had played the "wake up music". They had their breakfast and lunch together. It was all how it was supposed to be. Accept for the lack of conversation. It's like now that they regretted knowing how each others lips tasted they kind of decided to punish the unfortunate words that used beguile their lives.

Here they were now preparing to host a little get together for their close friends with the closest of them all not even looking eye to eye.

"Hyung you can bring any kind of alcohol accept tequila!" Jungkook eyed as taehyung walked across the living room setting down the big bowl of chips on the table while the phone was held between his shoulder and ear, neck tilting to an angle that looks kinda painful. "Because Koo doesn't drink tequila. How hard is this to understand... Ugghh.. Yeah see you. Bye."
His eyes never leaving the site of his roommate even when it locked with the other's. Taehyung walked towards the kitchen fiddling his phone in his hands to hide the fact he was nervous in front of the one person he has always been comfortable around.

Oblivious And In Denial (taekook/ kookv) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now