27. Little flashback

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"Taetae my baby brother, my sweetypie, my coochie coochie coo... STOP THE GODDAMNED WHINING AND GO TO SLEEP OR IMMA THROW YOU OUT OF MY MOTHERFUCKIN HOUSE! " the sentence that started like fresh extracted honey ended like a honeybee sting, because Hoseok had had enough.

After about two weeks, Taehyung was totally regretting the idea of being the bigger person and trying to let go of his feelings for the friendship's sake. In his words 'it's murderous' to talk to jungkook without wanting to taste him again. And what did he do about it? What he always does. Avoiding the said boy then whining to any Tom Dick and Harry about how he wants to sit in jungkook's arms (sometimes on his cock, depending on how drunk he is.)

He had made the Min-Jung resident his refugee camp and was not planning on leaving it or stop whining about wanting to leave it and kiss his roommate. Although Hoseok was more than annoyed at this whining, Yoongi was afraid of seeing history repeat itself only a little worse.

"I-i guess I'll sleep t-then." taehyung said in a small voice and made his way to the couch. "Scary ass old man."

Hoseok sighed lying on his bed and turned to face Yoongi. "They're making such a big deal out of nothing. All he has to do is fucking confess."

Yoongi combed his fingers into the younger's hair making his eyes flutter shut. "Maybe they witnessed a friendship breaking because of a love confession and are just scared to have the same happen to them, Hobe." Hoseok opened his eyes and sighed. He had not thought of it this way.

"You told me Taehyung was planning to tell Jungkook everything about his feelings after the hook up with Laurance but now they have mutually decided to go back to not feel anything? In what world is that fair? And I can't help but blame myself and Chim for it."

"In Jimin's case it was a 50% your fault but in their case it was not. We will knock some sense into taekook."

"Stop making ship names Hobe, it's annoying."


Taehung gazed at the zip lock bag on his lap with open whens as he sat on the lavender make shift couch bed. Sighing he reminisced the last time he had read one of these. It was the day he decided to tell Laurie that seeing him from now might not be possible because.... his fish drowned in the playground or something. He didn't have a reason but it wasn't like they both were dating.

Laurie had been nothing but generous and kind to him in all ways possible. He had lent him shoulder to cry on more than once. But a pact is a pact. Taehyung and jungkook had promised each other that they would instantly distance themselves from anyone who gives a bad vibe to other so that there's never bitterness amongst them.

While Taehyung had used his pact-card multiple times, jungkook only used it once. For Laurie that is. Taehyung had to follow it.

Although he did not expect it would go a little different than planned.

He didn't know how he ended up like this as he sat in his car outside Laurie's house after he just had sex with a boy for the first time. He just wanted to talk and Laurie did not. Hence they fucked.
After their session the other had asked to give a chance to be in a relationship with him.

He said he wanted to make him move on from jungkook without affecting their friendship. To Taehyung, it sounded like a great offer.

He opened the- when you're in love just as carefully as he always does.

"Namaste Tae-ji,

I Indianized the introduction because we love Indian food. And now you're in love. Does it feel like Indian food?

Oblivious And In Denial (taekook/ kookv) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now