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I have no regrets.

I've been doing what I said I would, traveling, for the past month now. Currently, I'm in New Jersey. Drinks, hookups, dancing, and planes. It seemed heavenly to eat as much as I desired on my own terms. No under Klaus's or Stefan's. I had no one to look after except myself. Is this what Katherine feels like?

I've dodged the calls and texts, but the voicemails keep me updated on everything in Mystic Falls.

Bonnie told Elena that every night she has the same dream; four coffins and Klaus is in one of them. Later on, Bonnie went to the house of the witches that she saw in her dream to check it out and she found Stefan. Klaus went back to Mystic Falls looking for Rebekah, Stefan and I. He told Elena and Damon what Stefan did (stole the caskets from the truck which was quite genius) and demanded some stuff. Not really my job to know all of this.

Jeremy started hanging out with Tyler despite Elena and Alaric's attempts to convince him that Tyler was dangerous because he is sired to Klaus (I'm the smarter twin.) Klaus called Jeremy and told him to stand in the middle of the street while a car comes towards him at high speed. Luckily, Alaric pushed him out of the way just in time. Alaric was wearing his ring so it was whatever.

Elena and Damon went to find Stefan but he refused to give Klaus the coffins back. Dramatic bitch. Elena, being the dumbass she is, decided to give Klaus Rebekah to save Jeremy's life. Klaus didn't wake up Rebekah and blah blah blah blah blah. Elena asked Damon to compel Jeremy to leave town and not come back to Mystic Falls. Before Damon left, Elena told me he kissed her. Thanks for the news report. Stefan told Bonnie that he can't open one of the coffins. Bonnie said it was "sealed with magic" and they needed to open it to find the answer of how to kill Klaus.

Caroline didn't want to have a birthday party since now she is a vampire and dead and stuck being seventeen. They all go to the old tomb to have a "funeral" instead so they will give Caroline the opportunity to say goodbye to her old life and be able to accept the new one to start over. Cute? I dunno.

Stefan asked Klaus to remove his hybrids from the town otherwise he would start killing them one by one. When Klaus threatened him that if he does that he will kill everyone starting with Damon and ending with me, Stefan replied that if he did that, he would never see his family again. To prove Klaus that he was not bluffing, Stefan killed one of the hybrids in front of him. Badass.

Later on, at the fundraiser, Klaus made a deal with the town council to leave him and his hybrids alone and in return, he will not harm anyone. Damon did not agree with that but there was nothing he could do. He stopped Stefan from killing more hybrids, then Stefan kidnapped Elena and drove her towards the bridge where our parents died (I sent him a text afterward, telling him that was a dick move.) He called Klaus telling him again to remove his hybrids from town otherwise he would kill Elena. Stefan forced Elena to drink his blood and fastened his pace to the bridge. Klaus gave in and agreed to remove the hybrids.

Tyler bit Caroline and Klaus ended up saving her. Apparently, he had taken a liking to the blonde. Bonnie told Elena about a new dream where she saw herself ready to open the fourth coffin of Klaus' family but Klaus stopped her the last moment and locked her inside of it. A woman came and opened it and Bonnie recognized her mother, Abby.

After she told her, Bonnie and Elena began searching for Abby and when they found her, they drive at her place to meet her. They met Abbie's stepson and Elena left Bonnie and her mother alone. Abby used all of her magic to entomb Mikael a few years ago. Jamie shot Stefan (who followed them I guess) with wooden bullets and tied up Elena. Abby drugged Bonnie and got her into her car.

Blah blah blah, Elena saved the day whatever. Abby convinced Bonnie to tell her where the caskets were to save her life while at the same time she wrote her a message telling her to warn her friends about it. Bill Forbes helped Tyler break the sire bond. Alaric started dating a Fell...unbelievable. She injected Damon with vervain and took vials of his blood. When Alaric found out, she told him that when she cannot do anything as a doctor, she used vampire blood to help her patients.

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