Chapter 1: Hawks' Agency

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A/N: Welcome to the second arc of Carrying a Villain's kid!

If you haven't read Carrying a Villain's kid Arc I, I suggest doing so or else a lot of things aren't going to make sense.

Enjoy the chapter!

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"Get up"

"No, I'd rather stay here"

"Keigo, seriously!" Naomi tried to pull Keigo up from his seat. "Watanabe is gonna be furious if you don't get your ass to work"

Keigo groaned in annoyance "But I don't wanna work- I'm in a state of bliss. If I go to work, it'll ruin it" He paused, and thought back to a few days earlier. "These past few days with Da- him have been amazing" he made sure to not say his name. You never know who might be listening.

"Stop acting like a child and go meet with her!"

"No, this is my agency, I can do what I want"


"Fine. If you can get me out of this chair in ten seconds, I'll go"

Naomi narrowed her eyes with mischief as an idea popped in her head "Hey Keigo, look at me"


Once they made eye contact Naomi activated her quirk and they switched places. Now Naomi was sitting crossed legged on Keigo's chair while Keigo was sitting on the cold and hard floor.

"Hey!" Keigo whined as he stood up "Not fair- you used your quirk!"

Naomi raspberry blows and rolls her eyes "You never specified anything. Now go"

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Normally, passing through the hallways and offices of his agency, he'd get greeted, people would try to start small talk with him, or they'd remind him about a meeting or two he had. But now, all people do is whisper and stare.

"Hey" Hawks waved to a group of employees he'd worked with since the beginning of his agency.

Only one waved, awkwardly. The others averted their gaze or simply ignored him. Keigo sighed and walked towards Lyn Watanabe's, his manager's, office.

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"You have been MIA for the last eight days. Where were you-!?" Lyn Watanabe, his manager, yelled in Hawks' face.

"I wasn't MIA for eight days" Hawks paused "I took two days off so I was MIA for six days. That's basic math, I'm surprised you failed" he answered lazily.

"This is no time for jokes. You weren't answering any call, email or text we sent out to you. Where. Were. You?"

"I was in my apartment with- alone-"


"With whom?"

"A civilian whose name I'd rather not say"

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