Chapter Twenty Four

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Melissa couldn't handle it. She had lost her wife two times in three years. To think that she loved the Katie that she got to meet not too long ago was an understatement, she adored and admired that version of her wife. Katie before the accident was an awesome person, but the pressure from society always got the best of her, she was always too focused on work, or too caught up on what people thought. The Katie that Mel met just a few weeks ago had the deepest desires that she's always had but never dared to say it out loud. For Melissa, the new Katie was the Katie that was hidden deep inside her wife for all her life.

And now, she has forgotten what it feels like to be herself and to be free from what held her down. Melissa knew that Katie hated her job, she knew her parents still influenced her on her decisions, she knew that being caring for Katie meant being fragile and that sharing her feeling meant being weak. All of those things were Melissa's pet peeves that she tried so hard to break out of her wife. Until it got to a point in their marriage that Katie was more worried about money than her wife, but then she wanted a child when she didn't even pay attention to Melissa. The blonde knew that a child could never fix what Katie was feeling; the empty, the hurt. But she did it anyway, for her wife and her marriage, and it was the most devastating and heartbreaking experience she's ever been through, being pregnant and then losing her child completely broke Melissa.

So, no. She couldn't lose her wife again, she couldn't deal with the Katie that would treat her so coldly when things got difficult at work, the Katie that now remembers her mistakes and falls and could never get passed that. She wanted her wife to authentic and unique like she had discovered she could be. The Katie that has hobbies, that likes nature, theatre, family, hugs, sharing feelings, having deep conversations...

It's not like Melissa wasn't in love with the Katie she met when she was a teen, she loved the real Katie that inside her, that got shut down by adulthood.

All of these thoughts running through Melissa's mind made her freak out so much more about the future, it was already difficult when she was trying Katie remember her past, now, if she could rewind time, she wouldn't try that hard with the memories.

Before she realized, she had her back against a wall, her hand on her chest, her head was burning red from not breathing and her body was slowly shutting down. She didn't even know where she was.

She felt hands holding her shoulders and shaking them, the same hands grabbed her face turning them towards them. She, then, saw the face of her friend talking to her. Her voice was slowly becoming more clear to hear.

"Breathe through your nose."

"I- I can't." She whispered as loud as she could. She felt like in the next five seconds she would die out of air.

"I need oxygen! You!" Mel closed her eyes when she trusted that her friend knew what to do, she wouldn't let her die. "hey, keep looking at me!" she slapped Melissa's face a couple of times.

She opened her eyes again only to see her wife from a distance sitting down on her hospital bed seeing everything that was going on, she was crying and probably screaming while her sister held her so she wouldn't run.

That startled Melissa, she looked away. She doesn't even understand what's going on.

"Come on, you're doing good, continue, three things you can touch." Gabriela had Melissa calmed down and the blonde didn't even notice.

"Your hand, the mask, the wall."

"Two things you can see."

"Katie and the floor." Gabriela noticed Mel could see her wife.

In Loving Memory of Katie  *supercorp/meltie*Where stories live. Discover now