Chapter 4

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POV Maddie

I only had a 4 hour shift today at Starbucks and I always love it when I get them. I just said goodbye to Patrick and I left the shop and started to walk back to my flat.

As I walked I had my music on full blast and I was texting Zoey. I just turned a corner and BANG! I had walked right into a person and both of us were now on the ground. "I'm so sorry!" The man said but as soon as I heard that voice I knew exactly who it was and I couldn't help but have a smile creep onto my face.

"Liam!" I exclaimed.

"Maddie?" He asked.

"Hey Liam" I smiled.

"Haha, I didn't think I'd be running into you so soon. And I especially didn't think I would literally be running into you" he laughed and I laughed as well. "I'm actually really happy I ran into you though. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" He asked nervously, which might I add was really cute.

"I'd love to" I said and a gigantic grin grew instantly on his face.

"That's great! So I'll pick you up at 7 tonight?" He asks.

"That sounds like a plan!" I reply.

"So where are you off to?"

"I'm just walking home, I just finished my shift at Starbucks" I say.

"Can I walk you the rest of the way home?" He offers. He's such a sweetheart!

"Of course you can!" I smile.

I was upset when we arrived at the front of my flat because that meant my walk with Liam was now over. "So I'll see you tonight at 7?" Liam clarifies.

"Yep!" I exclaim.

"Can't wait! Cya Maddie!" He says.

"Cya tonight Liam!" I say and he begins to walk away. I have a feeling tonight is going to be a good night.

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