Chapter 19

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POV Maddie (1 week later)

Today was the day of the wedding. Ruth and Xavier were getting married. They were going to be Mr and Mrs Clarke. I was so happy for them and over the past week Ruth and I had gotten a lot closer as friends.

When I woke up I heard light snores coming from Liam as he was still sound asleep.

I got out of bed and grabbed a towel and went toward the bathroom. I then locked the door behind me and turned on the shower water.

Once I finished with my shower I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where Karen, Ruth and Liam were sitting. "Morning beautiful" he said to me and started to smile and I sat down.

"Morning" I said. There were plates and pancakes in the middle of the table with different options for the toppings.

Liam then ran upstairs to have a shower while Karen, Ruth and I talked about the wedding.

I just finished my 3rd pancake and was really full when Liam rejoined us in the kitchen. I placed my dirty plate and cutlery in the dishwasher and took my seat where I was previously. Liam was now in denim jeans and a white shirt.

We were soon joined by Xavier, Calvin (Xavier's brother), Peter and William,(were also best men), I had met them all earlier in the week. "Alright, we are going to get ready" Calvin said and Xavier, Liam, Peter, William and him walked out of the room and to get ready for the wedding.

I then got changed into some jeans and a white shirt and Karen, Nicola, Ruth and I go to get ready for the wedding.

We quickly arrived at the church and I could see Ruth getting nervous.

We then went to a private room at the back of the church where there was a mirror, make up and all the dresses. "So exciting" I heard Nicola say from behind me.

"How long to the wedding?" I asked no one in particular.

"4 hours" Ruth replied, nervously.

"Let's get ready!" Karen exclaimed.

Karen the started helping Ruth with her make up, while Nicola was helping me with mine. "How much are we gonna do?" Nicola asked.

"Just a little bit of foundation and mascara, I don't want us to look like cake faces!" Ruth answered.

We had all the make up done on Ruth, Nicola and myself and now it was time to put on the dresses.

It was now 2 hours until the wedding and I got my dress of the coat hanger and slipped into it. "What about the other bridesmaids?" I asked, suddenly remembering they weren't here.

"They decided to get ready somewhere else" Ruth explained "they will be here in an hour"

"So what is going on? Who is walking with who?" Nicola asked.

"Well Nicola, you are the maid of honour so you are walking with the best man Calvin. Liam is then walking with Maddie, Janet is walking with William and Charlotte is walking with Peter" Ruth explained and Nicola nodded as a response.

An hour later the other bridesmaids should be here soon and we were just about to get Ruth into her dress and on cue there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Karen asked/ shouted.

"Janet and Charlotte" a British accent said through the door. 2 girls then entered the room all dressed and looking like Nicola and I. The girls did all their greetings and I was soon introduced to the other 2 women.

"We were just about to get Ruth into her dress" Nicola said, smiling.

"Let's help!" Charlotte exclaimed, excited.

POV Liam

I was now in a room where we were all getting ready and helping Xavier with his tie. He was so nervous he couldn't even do his own tie.

Another man then walked into the room and looked a lot older then myself and Xavier. "Hey dad!" Xavier exclaimed, wrapping him in a hug once I was done with his tie. "Dad, this is Liam, Ruth's brother. Liam this is Francis, my dad" Xavier introduced us both.

"Hello sir" I said, shaking his hand.

"Call me Frank" he smiled.

"Alright, Frank, me and my dad are gonna go see if everything is ready" I said and then left with my dad.

We entered the church and everything was perfect and the preacher was standing in his spot at the back of the altar. "Is everything ready, Ned?" I asked him.

"Everything is good to go" he said, smiling.

"Alright I'll get Xavier" I said, rushing back to our room.

"Xavier, we ready to go?" I asked, when I enter the room.

"Yeah" he said, letting out a shaky breath.

"It's alright to be nervous" I said, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah I know" he said.

"Alright, we are ready for you in the church" I said and he nodded.

We both entered the church and walked towards the altar. Guests then began to start piling into the church and started filling up all of the seats. "Alright it's time to get this show on the road! Liam you go meet up with your bridesmaid and Geoff you go find Ruth" Ned explained and we all nodded and left.

I went into the foyer where all the groomsmen and bridesmaids were and Ruth was and she looked beautiful. "You look beautiful" I said to her and she blushed.

"I'm really nervous" she told me.

"Don't be, it'll all be over before you know it" I said and she smiled. "So who am I walking down the aisle with?" I questioned.

"Maddie" she answered and my lips morphed into a grin.

"Alright, all the groomsmen line up on the right side of the door and all the bridesmaids line up on the left side of the door. Calvin and Nicola are first, then Liam and Maddie, then William and Janet and lastly Peter and Charlotte" Ruth explained and we all lined up in that order.

"Let's start" Geoff said and signalled to Ned and then we all began to walk down the aisle. Calvin and Nicola linked arms and began to walk down the aisle and towards the altar. I then smiled and linked my arm with Maddie's and we began to walk down the aisle. I was now next to Calvin and Maddie was next to Nicola and I couldn't help but smile at Maddie.

William was next to me and Janet was next to Maddie and then Charlotte was next to Janet and Peter was next to William. All of the groomsmen and bridesmaids were now lined up and I could see my mum sitting in the front row smiling like an idiot.

Ruth was due to walk down the aisle any second now with dad and as if on cue the music started to play and dad and Ruth appeared in the doorway with their arms linked.

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