Chapter 10

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POV Maddie

The next morning I still hadn't gotten any sleep and my cheeks were still stained. I had been getting calls and messages from Liam all morning but I never replied. Mackenzie had come in once and I told her what happened and I swear I think she was going to rip Liam's balls off. She then understood that I wanted to be alone and left me.

I was still getting calls from Liam but then a different caller ID came onto my screen and it read 'Harry Styles' and I reluctantly answered the phone. "Hey Maddie, Liam told me to call you he is really upset about something" he said.

"Okay" I said coldly.

"What's wrong? Tell Harry your problems" he said, trying to sound like a therapist and I couldn't help but crack a little smile.

I told Harry about what happened the night before and he was beyond furious. "I need to come over and comfort you" he said.

"No, Mackenzie is already doing that" I said.

"Are you sure? I guess I could knock some sense into Liam" he replied.

"Yeah you go do that" I said coldly. I then all of a sudden heard yelling coming from the other end of the line.

Then the phone made a sound and someone else was on the line "Maddie, it's Liam-" as soon as I heard those words I hit the end call button. I couldn't listen to him right now.

POV Liam

I didn't know what to do. Maddie was so upset with me and it wasn't even my fault! I want to drive over there but I think I'll get a fist in the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" Louis screamed at me.

"It wasn't my fault!" I yelled back.

"Really? Then who's fault is it?!" Harry screamed.

"Look, you don't even know my side of the story!' I exclaimed.

"Okay then. Tell us your side of the story" Louis said, a little more calmly.

"Okay so, we were at Funky Buddha last night as you know and I was talking to some brunette and the next thing I know her lips were planted on mine! I pushed her off straight away but the flash had already gone off and I knew I was screwed." I explained.

"Well if that's true then I guess it really isn't your fault" Harry said.

"Alright, we will help you get her back" Louis said.

"You should drive over there" Zayn said out of no where.

"Won't I get punched in the face?" I questioned.

"Maybe, but at least by going over there it will show that you are trying to get her back and are making an effort" Zayn said.

"Alright" I said grabbing my keys "I'll see ya later"

"Go get her!" I heard Louis yell.

I arrived at the house quickly and knocked on the door. Mackenzie answers and tells me to go away. "Please, let me in" I pleaded.

"I don't think-" she stopped half way and began screaming at 2 boys across the road. "Stop fucking stalking me!" She screamed and I took this as my opportunity to sneak into the house. I successfully made it in and could hear muffled sobs coming from down the hall. I followed them and it lead me to a door at the end of the hall. I knocked and heard a come in from the other side.

I slowly entered the room and when Maddie saw it was me she started screaming at me to get out. "Let me explain myself!" I said.

"There's nothing to explain. I saw what I saw!" She yelled.

"Please" I said.

She looked at me for a few moments "you have 2 minutes" she said.

I told her the story that I told Louis and Harry and she was skeptical about it. "Please, let me take you out to make it up to you" I said.

She looked at me for a bit probably deciding whether to go or not. "Fine" she said.

"Thank you!" I said "well I'll go now, I'll text you the details" I said before exiting the house.

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