Chapter 32

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POV Maddie (1 week 6 days later)

I woke up that morning and realisation hit me that we were actually going home today. I had had such a great time in Amsterdam with my grandparents that it felt like yesterday we were arriving here for the first time.

I rolled over and saw that Liam was gone. I was confused and then left my bed and made my way downstairs where I could hear voices from the kitchen. "Look Liam, you are an amazing boy and Maddie is so lucky to have you but if you hurt her I will hurt you" someone said and it sounded like my grandad.

"I wouldn't ever think of doing anything like that to Maddie. She is my world and if anything were to hurt her I would always be by her side and never let her out of my sight. If I were the one to hurt her I could never live with myself. I love her Edgar, she is what keeps me running every morning" he says and I feel tears brimming in my eyes.

"You're a good lad Liam, I trust you" my grandad says and I run into the room and into Liam's arms.

"I love you so much" I say into his chest.

"I love you too babe" he replies.

"Alright, you should get your bags and get changed and then we need to get to the airport" my grandma say and we both nod.

Liam and I then make our way upstairs and into our room where we pull out some clothes to wear. I pull out my favourite ripped skinny jeans and a Bruno Mars t-shirt with a white jacket and Liam puts on some black jeans with a white shirt and a grey t-shirt over the top.

We then get our suitcases and drag them into the kitchen where my grandparents are sitting. "We should go" grandpa says.

We then all pile into the car and place our bags in the back. When we arrive Liam gets both of our bags from the car and we all go into the airport. We then went into the British Airways line so we can pick up our boarding passes and give them our bags.

Once we dropped off our bags and collected our boarding passes we made our way to the front of security where we said goodbye to my grandparents. "Goodbye grandma" I say, pulling her into a hug.

"I'll miss you" she says.

"Have a safe trip Liam" my grandad says and shakes his hand.

"Thank you for letting us stay" he says.

"It's no problem" grandpa replies. He then turns and faces me and then wraps me in a hug "promise to visit soon" he says.

"I promise" I reply.

Once we were all finished saying goodbye Liam and I made our way through the security checkpoint. When we passed it we went to our boarding gate and waited for our flight to be called. "This is the best birthday present I've ever gotten" I say to Liam and he smiles.

"I'm glad you liked it" he says.

"Liked it? I loved it!" I exclaim and he chuckles.

"Flight BA-890 to London is now boarding" a voice says through the speaker. Liam and I both get up and make our way to the flight attendants by the gate. We show them our boarding passes and they let us through to the plane.

"Let's go home" Liam says and we enter the plane.


The plane has just landed in London and Liam and I were now leaving. Luckily for us there we no fans around so we could leave the airport quickly.

We quickly made our way to baggage claim and collected our luggage. We then went to the front of Heathrow Airport and tried to get a taxi. When we finally got one, Liam told the driver the address of the boys house and we were on our way.

When we arrived Liam payed the fare and then we got our luggage from the back.

Liam and I then entered the house and we were met with the other boys other than Louis. "Louis is out with Mackenzie" Zayn explains.

Once we had done all our greetings we decided we would watch a movie. "What should we watch?" Harry asks.

"What about the green mile?" I suggest.

"I haven't seen that" Zayn says.

"Neither have I" Niall adds.

"Same" Liam says.

"How have you not seen it?!? We are watching it!" I exclaim.

We then get the movie ready and I cuddle up to Liam on the couch and Niall lays on the ground and Zayn and Harry sit on the other couch.

Once the movie ended everyone was crying other than Zayn. "You are so heartless!" I joke.

"Yeah you are Zayn" Niall adds.

"Am not!" Zayn defends.

I then heard the door open and close and Louis then stepped into the room. "Hey guys" he says.

Once we all greet Louis, Liam and I decide it's time for me to go home.

We get into Liam's car and then we do the quick drive to my house. "Goodnight love" he says.

"Bye babe" I reply. He then places a lingering kiss on my lips.

"I love you" Liam says when we pull away.

"I love you too" I say and then walk into the house.

I spot Mackenzie sitting on a stool in the kitchen and she sees me "hey, how was Amsterdam?" She asks and smirks.

"Amazing, I was absolutely blown away. When the called the flight I was in shock and it was great to see my grandparents again and spend some time in Amsterdam" I answer "now spill about your date with Louis!"

"Alright alright! So basically he took me to a really nice dinner and that's about it but Jordan and Bradley were following us the whole time and actually were on the table next to us and then they followed me home, I think they're still outside" she says.

"Well I didn't see them outside" I say.

"Okay, I'm going to bed now" she says.

"Yeah same" I say and walk into my bed.

Once inside I take off all my clothes and but them in the laundry hamper and then put on my panda pyjamas and fell asleep.

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