Chapter 41

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POV Maddie (6 months later)

"Liam James Payne, do you take Madison Rose Vandyke to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The reverent asks.

"I do" he replies and the ring is slid onto his finger.

"Madison Rose Vandyke, do you take Liam James Payne to be you lawfully wedded husband?" The reverent asks me.

"I do" I reply and the wedding ring is slid onto my finger.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the reverent finishes and I feel Liam's lips on mine and the crowd erupts in cheers. Liam and I then rush down the aisle, hand in hand and make our way to the front of the church where we get in a car and drive to the airport and fly to Venice for our honeymoon.


Once we arrived at our hotel I was absolutely gobsmacked with how amazing our view was. "Do you like the view Mrs Payne?" Liam smiles.

"Yes I do, husband" I saw and place a lingering kiss on his lips.

"Well we should go for a walk" Liam suggests.

"Yeah we should" I agree.

*7 days later*

Liam and I were now currently waiting to board our flight back to London. I didn't want to go back because I had had such a great time in Venice but I did miss the boys and all my friends. "I had a great time" I say and rest my head on Liam's shoulder.

"I did as well" he winks at me and I playfully smack him.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask, gesturing to what he was doing on his phone.

"Just scrolling through Twitter. It literally crashed and wouldn't work when people got the photos from our marriage. It was insane" Liam laughs.

"So what did the fans think about us getting married?' I question.

"Well I think a lot of them were jealous but they were always very supportive. They knew that you made me happy and all they really want is for me to be happy so they were fine with the marriage. Then obviously you're gonna have people that aren't very open to the idea, some people were saying I was too young but I didn't care. I may be 22 but if it means I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with the love of my life then why wait to get married?" Liam answers and I nod as a response.

"I can't believe we crashed Twitter" I laugh and Liam joins me.

"Yeah I know, we have some pretty amazing fans" he smiles.

"I wonder when Louis' is going to propose to Mackenzie, they have been dating for nearly as long as us!" I exclaim.

"Obviously don't tell Mackenzie but Louis is planning it. He made all the boys sit down with him and brainstorm ideas for the night before we left, he was it to be special and perfect" Liam says.

"That's sweet, has he got a ring?" I ask.

"No, not yet. He says he wants all the boys opinion on the ring and he also want the ring to be perfect." Liam explains.

"Alright then" I say.

"Flight 89906 to London is now boarding" a voice rings through the speakers.

"Lets go back home!" Liam says and we hand our boarding passes to the flight attendant and then get into the plane.


A/N: there is only gong to be one more chapter after this and then the epilogue, can't believe it's ending!

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