Chapter 9

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POV Maddie

I was awoken the next morning by the sound of my ringtone blaring through my room. I rolled over and saw that Harry Styles was calling me. "Hello" I groaned I to the phone, causing Harry to chuckle through the phone.

"Someone's not a morning person" he laughed.

"Yeah, what do you want?" I asked.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to a club with me and the other boys, including Liam" he said.

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna stay home tonight" I answered.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive" I said.

"Well, bye then" Harry said.

"Cya Harry" I said before I pressed the end call button.

I tried to fall asleep again but stupid Harry woke me up and now I was up. I made my way to the kitchen and basically collapsed into the chair. "Morning" Mackenzie said and frightened me a little.

"Shit you scared me" I said, causing a laugh from Mackenzie.

"Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie day today?" She asked me.

"That actually sounds like a really good idea" I said.

"What should we start off with?" She asked.

"What about the Lion King trilogy?" I suggested and she chuckled.

"Of course you would say that." She said and I shrugged. "After we watch them we are going to watch Grease"

"That sounds like a plan' I agreed.

It may only be 11 in the morning but I still had to make popcorn when we had a movie day. I got 2 packets and put one in the microwave and waited for it to finish. When it finished I poured it into a bowl and did the same thing with the other packet. I then brought them into the living room and set one on the table for Mackenzie while she was putting the movie in the DVD player and I collapsed onto the couch with a pillow and blanket. Mackenzie thanked me for the popcorn and lied down on the other couch.

She got the remote for the DVD player and when the main screen was on she pressed play movie and the first Lion King movie began.

We had just finished watching all the movies for today and it was incredibly late and was now 1am the next day. We had watched movies for 13 hours straight! It started with the Lion King trilogy then Grease and the final movie was the Titanic. "Well goodnight" I said when the credit screen began to roll.

"Night" Mackenzie replied to me.

I made my way down the hall and to my room. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and began to scroll through Twitter. I cracked a smile and some of the stupid tweets that were on my home screen. I was just about to turn off my phone and get some sleep when a certain tweet caught my eye.

Liam Payne from One Direction was seen at Funky Buddha in London tonight with other bandmates but girlfriend Madison Vandyke was no where to be seen. This has brought up assumptions that the pair had split and a photo of Liam kissing a random brunette at the club summed up that they were no longer together.

I read the tweet about 20 times to try and process what it was saying and tears had already sprung in my eyes and I hadn't even opened the picture attached to the tweet. Liam would never kiss another girl. I thought to myself but when I reluctantly opened the picture my worst nightmares were now a reality. My screen now showed an image of Liam's face pressed up against a brunette and their lips were locked together. The picture was not functioning with my brain and I could not believe what was in front of my eyes. And that's when I let the tears fall.

I dropped my phone to the ground and scrunched my body into a ball. The tears stained my cheeks, sheets and pillow but I didn't care. And that night I literally cried myself to sleep and couldn't get the image of Liam snogging another girl out of my mind.

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