Chapter 18

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POV Maddie

The flight from London to Wolverhampton was very short and we were soon landing.

We then landed and exited the plane. There were people everywhere but Liam ran up to a lady a couple metres away from us and wrapped her in a massive hug. He then led the lady to where I was standing. "Mum, this is my girlfriend Maddie. Maddie, this is my mum, Karen" he introduced us and we did a quick greeting.

"It's great to have you back Liam" she said, leading us to her car. Liam put my bags in the back of the car and then hopped into the car and sat next to me.

We quickly arrived at the Payne household where Liam once again grabbed my bags for me. "Ready to meet the family?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded.

We then entered the house and I was met with 4 pairs of unfamiliar eyes. "This is my dad, Geoff. Dad, this is Maddie" Liam said, introducing me to his father. "Next, this is my sister Nicola, then the is my other sister Ruth and the last one is her fiancé, Xavier." He introduced me to everyone, they all seemed really nice.

Liam then walked up the stairs, carrying the luggage. He then gestured me to follow him and I did so and I was soon standing in Liam Payne's bedroom.

We unpacked our luggage into the drawers and then made our way pack downstairs to where Liam's family was.

"We are gonna go to the pub for some lunch, would you like to come?" Geoff asked, gesturing to Liam and I.

"Yeah, we'll go. It'll be good to go back down to the pub. Maybe we can have a game of snooker" Liam said to Geoff and Geoff smiled.

"I'd like that" he said.

"Alright, in one car is Geoff, Liam and Maddie and in my car is Nicola, Ruth, Xavier and obviously myself" Karen explained and we all agreed.

We arrived at the pub shortly after and walked inside. "Reservation under Payne" Geoff said to the waiter and he nodded and showed us to our table.

After the lunch I had become very close to Liam's sister Ruth and his mum Karen. I'm not going to lie, she intimidated me at first but I got talking to her over lunch and she is a very nice and sweet lady. I also got talking to Xavier and Ruth about the wedding and I can see how happy they are together. Liam went and played snooker with his dad, as promised, and they played 3 games and Liam won 1 of them and Geoff won the other 2. I noticed Nicola is a little quiet but I'm pretty sure I gave the same vibe to Liam's family that I was a bit quiet and shy, which I was.

Once we retuned to the Payne household it was 3pm and Karen decided she was going to cook the whole family dinner and we were all going to have a large home cooked meal for dinner. She decided we were going to have roast lamb with vegetables, which sounded amazing.

I was now sitting in a large family room with everyone, but Karen, and we were all scattered across the couches and across the floor. The room had 2, 3 cushion leather couches and a TV. Liam was sitting on the edge of the couch at the back of the room and had his arm wrapped around me while I rested my head on his chest and Geoff was on the other side of the same couch. On the other couch was Ruth and Xavier and they were in the same position as Liam and I and lastly, Nicola was spread out across the floor in a starfish position.

A couple hours passed of us all sitting around talking and watching TV when Karen summoned us all to the dining room, where there was a large table already set with cutlery and a plate at each seat filled with some roast lamb and vegetables.

We all quickly finished our meals and Karen came around and collected all of our empty plates. Everyone then started having conversations with one another and I decided I would go and help Karen with the dishes.

I entered the kitchen to see Karen stacking the dishwasher with the dirty cutlery and plates. "I came to help with the dishes" I said to her and a smile broke upon her face.

"That's really sweet but there are no dishes to do. I usually do all my dishes while I am waiting for the food to cook and the plates and cutlery go in the dishwasher." She explained and I frowned.

"Oh ok" I said and walked towards the laughter I could hear. Everyone had now moved from the dining room back to the room we were in earlier.

Everyone was in the same spot as last time except now Nicola had moved to the same couch as Xavier and Ruth. I then snuggled up to Liam and we were now I'm the same position as last time. "Let's watch a movie!" Ruth exclaimed and we all agreed.

Karen then joined us in the room and sat next to Geoff. "What are we doing?" She asked.

"We are gonna watch a film, love" Geoff answered.

"What should we watch?" Xavier asked.

"I don't really mind" I added.

"What about-" Liam started but was cut off by Nicola.

"No toy story" she simply stated and Liam's started to pout.

"What about finding nemo?" Karen suggested "I love that movie" we all agreed to her suggestion and Geoff put the movie in the DVD player and it begun.

The movie just finished and everyone was tired so we all went to bed. Liam led me to his room upstairs once again and shut the door behind him.

I then got my pyjamas from the drawer and looked at Liam who was staring at me. "What are you looking at?" I questioned.

"You. I was just admiring how beautiful you are" he said, causing me to blush.

"Well admire no more, I need to get changed" I simply stated and Liam groaned and turned around. I quickly took off my clothes and then put on my pyjamas and left my other clothes on the floor, I'll deal with them tomorrow.

I then got into the double bed and Liam took off his shirt and I couldn't help but stare.

I don't know how long I was looking for but Liam fake coughed to get me to snap back to reality. I looked up and saw Liam smirking at me and my face went an even brighter red.

I got my phone out of my pocket and started to scroll through Twitter and ignored all the hate messages and death threats. I was looking through my home page when I felt the bed dip beside me and Liam was now next to me and only in boxer shorts.

I put my phone on the charger and then placed my head on the pillow. Liam then pulled me towards him and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you" I heard him whisper and I broke out into a smile.

"I love you too" I whispered back and fell asleep with a grin on my face in Liam's arms. Where I should be.

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