Chapter 40

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POV Maddie (2 years later)

Liam and I have been doing great the long distance thing. Obviously it's been hard at points but most of the time it was fine.

The boys had just released their fourth album, which was ironically called 'four' and I was now waiting at Heathrow Airport for Liam to arrive from Sydney, Australia, where he and the boys attended the ARIAS.

As I waited I was approached by a couple of fans asking for a photo with me, which I did and then I suddenly heard all the fans erupt in screams and I knew the boys were here.

I then see a blonde tuff of hair and then Niall's face and right beside him is the face I fell in love with. He looks around the whole airport and suddenly his chocolate brown eyes meet mine and a wide grin spread across his face. He then starts suddenly running towards me and I do the same to him and we meet halfway where I immediately find my way into his arms. "I miss you so much" I breathe into his chest.

"I missed you as well" he says "now we need to get out of here" he says and drags me to the rest of the boys where we are quickly rushed into a black van.

*2 months later*

During the past 2 months I have been spending every day with a Liam and I think I kinda moved into his and the boys house. The boys were now due at the airport to fly to Sydney again to start the 'On The Road Again' tour. Mackenzie and I always go to the airport with them and we've done it a few times now so we don't cry as much as we did the first time, but we still shed a tear.

"Goodbye Liam" I say into his chest.

"I'll be home before you know it" he assures me.

"I love you" I say.

"Love you too, I gotta go" he says and then starts to walk away with the rest of the band.

*4 months later*

The tour was now over and Mackenzie and I were once again waiting at the airport for them to arrive. The last 4 months did go past very quick. I missed him so much and cried myself to sleep a couple times.

Paul, being the sneaky man he is, has made everyone think their flight is landing tomorrow so there are no fans here.

I then see a crowd of people come out of one of the gates and recognise Harry's curls and next to him is Liam. His eyes are scanning around the whole area and they eventually meet mine and a wide grin spreads across his face and he starts running towards me. "I missed you so much" he says, once I am wrapped into his arms.

"So did I" I reply and in the corner of my eye I can see Mackenzie in Louis' arms.

"Hey, is it okay is I stay at your flat tonight?" He asks.

"Of course it's fine!" I exclaim.

"Okay, so when we get there I need you to pack some luggage for 2 weeks because we are leaving tomorrow night" he states.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"That's a surprise!" He replies.

"Alright" I say. By now the others had now arrived to where Mackenzie, Louis, Liam and I were. After we all did our greetings we see taken to one of the familiar black vans and this time only 1 security member was with us. So we had the driver and then Niall in the front next to him and in the middle was Harry, Liam and I and in the back was Mackenzie, Louis and Zayn.

Once we arrived at Mackenzie and I's flat Liam, Mackenzie, Louis and I get out of the car and I say a quick bye to the boys and thank you to the driver and then they drive off into the distance.


The next day I had all my luggage packed and ready to go wherever we were going. All the boys were gathered at Mackenzie and I's flat and Liam and I were saying goodbye to them all and they continuously smirked at me. They probably know where we are going.

Liam and I then get into his car and we quickly arrive at Heathrow Airport. We hand our luggage to the woman at one of the British Airways counters and quickly make our way through security. "When do we start boarding?" I question.

"10 minutes" he answers and we make our way to the gate.

"Flight LO-908 to Paris please start boarding" a woman says into the monitor and Liam starts tu grin.

"Oh my god" I breathe "you didn't!"

"I did" he smiles. He then gets both of our boarding passes from his pocket and hands me one with my name on it. We then hand them to the flight attendants waiting by the gate and then we get enter the plane. I can't believe I am going to Paris.


When we arrive in Paris we get out luggage from baggage claim and get a taxi from the front of the airport. I still can't believe I am actually in Paris.

When we arrive at our hotel Liam pays the taxi fare and then we get our room number and keycard from the front desk. Some of the workers had already taken our luggage and when we entered the room the bags were in the centre of the room.

I then noticed a balcony at the back of the room and stood out onto it and was met with a breathtaking view of the city. "Liam!" I call.

"Yeah" he replies.

"Come have a look at this" I say and then he steps out onto the balcony with me.

"It's amazing" he says.

"Not as amazing as you" I say and peck him on the lips.

"Alright, we should get some sleep. We are gonna go around Paris tomorrow" he says and then walks into the room and I follow him inside. Liam then strips down into his boxers and changes into some pyjama boxers and I change into my panda pyjamas.

We then get into the bed and Liam rolls over so we are now spooning. "Goodnight love" he says into my ear.

"Goodnight babe" I reply.

"Love you" he says.

"Love you too" I reply and then drift to sleep in Liam's arms.

*next day*

It was now night time and Liam and I were sitting at the grass area next to the Eiffel Tower. We had just had dinner at a lovely cafe and throughout the whole day we went and saw the tourist attractions. "Okay, I have something really important to say" Liam says.

"Should I be scared" I answer.

"No" he laughs and then gets on one knee. What is he doing. Is this really happening? "I just want you to know how much I love you. When Harry brought you back to our place was the first time I ever saw you and a moment I will never forget. I was a little bit jealous of Harry because I thought you two would become a thing but luckily you didn't. The next day when we "accidentally" walked into each other I asked you on our first date and I already knew I was falling for you. That first date I learnt so much about you and whenever you speak I would get a fuzzy feeling in my stomach and I still do to this day. I just want you to know how much I love you and I would love for you to become Mrs Madison Payne. So Madison Rose Vandyke, will you marry me?" He concludes and I am speechless. It was happening.

I slowly started to nod "yes" I breathed and my lips were soon on his and I could hear fireworks from next to us. I really loved this boy and I was ready spend the rest of my life with him and marry him.

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