Chapter 21

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POV Maddie

Everyone was now in Geoff and Karen's backyard, where the reception was being held. There was a large dance floor set up with a stage in front of it where the band was playing.

Liam led me to a table where Geoff, Karen, Francis, Ruby (Xavier's mum), Nicola, Calvin, Ruth and Xavier were sitting. We sat down with them and were then interrupted by the band's lead singer. "Okay, now that everyone is here I would like to welcome the newly weds, Mr and Mrs Clarke to the dance floor to perform the first dance" he said and Xavier led Ruth to the centre of the dance floor. The band then started to play 'everything I do (I do it for you)' by Bryan Adams and Xavier and Ruth swayed to the music.

The song was now over and so was the dance and everyone started to applause.

Xavier and Ruth then made their way over to the cake to cut it. They grabbed the knife and Ruth held onto it first and Xavier then placed his hand on top of hers. They then guided the knife into the cake. Everyone cheered and Xavier placed a kiss on Ruth's cheek.

Karen then took the knife and started cutting pieces of cake and placing them on little plastic plates.

Everyone then took a seat at a table with their piece of cake. Liam and I were on the same table we were previously with the same people. "Okay, it's time to start the speeches" Geoff announced "Calvin, you're first" he finished and Clavin nodded and stood up, holding a piece of paper in front of him.

"I just wanted to say how happy I am at this point in time. My big brother, Xav, as I like to call him, is now married to one of the nicest and caring young women you will ever meet. I still remember the time when you were 8 and I was 4 and we found a jar of flour in the pantry and some eggs in the fridge. Were started piffing eggs at each other and then you through flour at my face and I did the same to you. When mum came into the kitchens lets just say she wasn't pleased. Anyway, I'm gonna end this speech now so Nicola can speak but I just want to say that Xavier, you are the best older brother someone can ask for. Sure, we've had our arguments before but that's part of being siblings. I just want to wish you a happy life in the future and I hope it's full of wonderful memories. I love you bro" he concluded his speech and gave Xavier a hug and then sat back down in his seat.

"Okay, Nicola it's your turn" Geoff said and Nicola stood up.

"Alright, Ruth. You are my sister and I love you with all of my heart. But you aren't just my sister, you are also my best friend. I share secrets with you that I don't even tell my friends at school and I care about you way more. To see you now officially married to the man of your dreams and to see you happy is all that I could ever wish for. When you have a smile on your face I get a smile on my face, your happiness lights up my world. You are my best friend and my sister and I am lucky enough to have the privilege of you behind both. I wish you forever happiness with Xavier" she concluded and then sat down, people started to applaud and then people started getting up and walking around. The band started playing again and people started to dance.

I looked to my right and noticed that Liam had disappeared. I let a small frown fall on my face and then started to listen to conversations going on around the table.

A familiar tune then started to play and I knew it straight away. 'All of me' by John Legend started to play and I felt someone tap my shoulder. I look behind me and saw Liam looking down at me. "Care to dance?" He asked, holding his hand out to me and I felt my face getting redder every second and I nodded and grabbed his hand.

He then led me into the middle of the dance floor and held me close as we swayed to the music. "You look beautiful" he whispered to me and I started grinning.

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