Chapter 20

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POV Maddie

Geoff and Ruth had their arms linked as they walked down the aisle. Xavier's jaw dropped as soon as he saw Ruth and has trouble shutting it again but when he did all he did was smile.

They reached the end of the aisle and were at the front of the altar when Xavier stepped down and took Ruth from Geoff. Geoff then went and took a seat in the front row next to Karen and I heard Xavier whisper to Ruth "you look beautiful" and then Ruth went bright red.

Xavier then led Ruth up the altar and I could see out of the corner of my eye Karen getting teary, which is understandable, she is watching her daughter get married.

Ned then begun the ceremony and during the whole thing Liam kept making funny faces at me and I had to contain my laughter. "You may now say your vows" Ned said and then Xavier started to read his vows and then Ruth did the same after him. "Do you, Xavier Ian Clarke take Ruth Yasmin (A/N: I didn't know her real middle name so I made it up) Payne to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Xavier said, smiling.

"And do you, Ruth Yasmin Payne take Xavier Ian Clarke to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" Ruth replied.

"I know pronounce you Mr and Mrs Clarke, you may kiss the bride" Ned said and Xavier kissed Ruth. Cheers erupted from the audience and they pulled away and I could see Karen, Geoff and Nicola with tears streaming down their faces and Liam with teary eyes.

Xavier and Ruth Clarke then walked down the aisle as a married couple and went off to the reception where they would share their first dance and then everybody began to pile out of the church after them and we all went to the Payne house where the reception was being held.

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