Chapter 35

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POV Maddie

I woke up the next morning sprawled out across the couch with Patrick doing the same on the other couch and Mackenzie and Zoey no where to be seen.

I then get off the couch and walk into the kitchen to see Mackenzie and Zoey talking. "Hey, I was about to get some McDonalds, what do you want?" Mackenzie asks.

"Some hot cakes and 2 hash browns with Apple juice" I reply and she nods.

"I'll get Patrick some hot cakes" Mackenzie says, grabbing her keys "bye"

"Cya" I reply.

"Bye" Zoey says and then Mackenzie disappears.

"Hey" Patrick says with a groggy voice and appears in the kitchen.

"Hey, Mackenzie will be home soon with some maccas" Zoey says.

"Cool" Patrick replies.

Mackenzie then returned very quickly with 2 bags of McDonalds in her hands. "Morning Patrick, I got you some hot cakes" Mackenzie says, placing the bags on the table.

"Perfect" he replies.

We then all ate our meals and placed all the left over rubbish in the bin. "I think I should go home" Patrick says.

"Yeah same" Zoey agrees.

"I'll give you a ride" Patrick offers.

"Great! Cya people" Zoey says.

"Bye" I said to both of them.

"Goodbye" Patrick says.

"Cya" Mackenzie says and then they leave the flat.

I then sit down on the couch and put the TV on and start to watch the Big Bang Theory when I feel my phone vibrate from my pocket. I pull it out to reveal a notification from Liam Payne <3:

Liam: hey love

Me: hey babe

Liam: I haven't seen you in ages :(((

Me: it's only been a couple days, haha

Liam: but I still miss you :(

Me: I miss you too :/

Liam: Skype?

Me: sure :)

I then make my way to my room and pull out my laptop and open Skype. I see Liam's contact and it says he is online. I then video call him and his big happy smile comes onto my screen. "Hey babe" he says.

"He Li" I reply.

"I miss you" he says, frowning.

"I miss you too" I reply.

"Liam, we gotta go!" I heard someone yell.

"Alright Harry!" Liam yelled back "I gotta go babe"

"Ok, bye. I love you" I say.

"I love you too" he says and then his face disappears from my screen.

I then put my laptop away and then make my way into the living room to see Mackenzie watching the Big Bang Theory. "What do you wanna do today?" Mackenzie asks me.

"I don't know" I answer.

"I have a serious question for you" she says.

"Okay? Fire away" I reply.

"Have you ever thought of a future with Liam? Like what if this is all just a summer love? Like when he goes back on tour and everything what will happen?" She asks.

"You said a question, not like 5" I chuckle "but yeah I have thought of that. I think me and Liam are strong enough to get through whatever is thrown at us. He may go on tour and may be away for long periods of time, but I think we are more than that and I can picture a future with him and I do not believe this is just a summer love" I answer.

"I think so too" Mackenzie says.

"Alright, what do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Big bang theory marathon!" She exclaims.

"Yes!" I agree and pull season 1 of the Big Bang Theory out of the shelf and place it in the DVD player.

We watched a couple of seasons of the Big Bang Theory before we both decided to get some sleep. I quickly said a goodnight to Mackenzie and make my way to my bedroom. I then change into some lion king pyjamas and scroll through Twitter for a bit before placing my phone on charger and drifting off to sleep.

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